You know you're a Final Expense agent when...(fill in the blank)

You do realize that forum is deader than most future FE clients eh?

Like one post two weeks ago and maybe 4 or 5 all month. Nobody cares about that Forum. This forum is where all the action is . . .
They're just waiting for me to get there. Then the party starts!
Trust, dude.. that's an easy one.

Obviously you didn't sell her a policy. Otherwise.. crickets.
Nope only GI would work for her and didnt want to deal with it with a DE card. Made the decision easier. That was the only time I did something like that. It made me sick seeing the kid like that.
Yeah, but something tells me I would have been the one buying.
I had to fire a debit agent years ago for stealing the customer's money. I had to meet him at his place cuz he couldn't drive. He was still coming down from the night before. He told me, "I got to my customer's house and there was a party going on. While I was waiting for her to get her money, I bought a little something to smoke. Then I bought a little more. Then I started buying for everybody there. Before I knew it all the cash was gone!"

Oh, I also reported him to the Bureau of Insurance, who threatened him with jail if he didn't make speedy restitution. (He had stolen a total of about $3k).