Your Professional Advice

I am operating under the assumption they are going to be the lowest because that's typically what happens anytime I shop anything against USAA - silly I know. They're quoting me 115 a month, but those are just estimates, so clearly that figure could go way up once we're done with application/exam.

And I can save about 1.50$ paying yearly - that made me laugh.

USAA will not necessarily be the cheapest. STI, can get you as good a quote as anyone.
115 was for 30 year level...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Calling STI later today. God Bless the Internet.
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I knew that, it just dawned on me recently that the good deal USAA offers might not be the good deal it would be if I didn't have these 'issues'.

Have you actually compared rates? A "good deal" with USAA might be on par with a number of other carriers. Are you sure term is the right solution for you? What conversion options do you have with the USAA? How are their UL products? Do you need any riders and do they have good rates for those?

Term is really so inexpensive I don't think you're going to have a hard time finding someone that can get you in the range of USAA anyway. It may also be worth it to work with an independent agent and go through some of the apps to see how the phrase the questions. For example, I had a guy in a wheelchair and his girlfriend helped him bathe. The question on the app was "do you need assistance (among other things) bathing?" The answer was no, he didn't need it. It helped and he only did it with help, but he didn't need the help. Sometimes it's important to not overthink things like this.

A lot of the super competitive carriers are going to be way more thorough, others not so much. Best bet is to shop it around. Even at 41 and a million, you're probably not looking at a significant premium difference between a good number of carriers.
Okay your question is to lie on the application and have a change of them not paying when your dead..

Or telling the truth and having a %100 chance that the policy will pay when your dead to your family....well let you answer that.
Being a long term USAA member myself I like them a lot. They also have a good plan.

However, they are much stricter than the average. My advise is talk to an experienced independent agent. They will ask you all the questions and pre-qualify you with the companies before you submit an app. No MIB hit that way. Note that the pre-qualify if just an estimation based on the information given. MJ is not the boogie man it once was. Some companies treat it much like cigarettes.

Disclose everything that is asked. Nothing more or less. If an agent ask you to fudge on an application he is dishonest. You want the claim if you die. In nearly 30 years of being in business I have never had a claim not paid.

It does not matter which state the agent is in. Most of us work in multiple states.

My 2 cents, Lee
I am of course #1 concerned about claims being paid - so I appreciate the advice, it makes honesty easier to swallow - it was my preferred choice, but that didn't do much to mitigate my anxiety.
I am of course #1 concerned about claims being paid - so I appreciate the advice, it makes honesty easier to swallow - it was my preferred choice, but that didn't do much to mitigate my anxiety.

That is where a hit or two would have helped.:yes:

Sorry could not help myself. Ahhh, the memories.
man not sweat it...there are ways to disclose all this and getting you through underwriting with your best offer....that is why it makes sense to work with a broker to shop the market for you...and by using ezlife .....all you have to do is fill out a one page online application and the rest is done by phone and email...policy's are even emailed in pdf to save or print....the life insurance market is changing by the day........

I am of course #1 concerned about claims being paid - so I appreciate the advice, it makes honesty easier to swallow - it was my preferred choice, but that didn't do much to mitigate my anxiety.

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