FE Leads

no tins, i'am just trying to liven up the place a bit and have some fun. salesmen need to have thick skin. if this bantering bothers you, your probably in the wrong room

Feel free to 'liven up the place', just don't do it by being such a bitch. Your problem is with YAL, stop with your personal attacks on Josh. He actually contributes to this forum. Other than this thread, you add nothing.
I have been trying to warn other agents about my experience with YAL, which is what this thread has been about from day one.

Since I first started posting here you have been attacking me. You put up smoke screens trying to divert people from the real issue. You have been suggesting things from the beginning that might lead people to beleive YAL is really not that bad. Your part of the problem. Stop defending YAL, they don't deserve it.

If agents can make money with YAL, that's more than what most agents can do with most other lead sources, so why should that not be pointed out? Are you interested in keeping all the leads to yourself?

For the fourth or fifth time, how do any of the personal attacks on me you've made relate to your experience with YAL, you calling it like you see it, "calling a spade a spade" or you warning people about YAL?
During your brake from taco bell try reading this entire YAL post again and again until you find the answer. The answer to your question is in there. Stop posting and start reading. you just might learn something.

hey tin's put down the crack pipe


We are getting way off track, Josh is no plant for YAL. Merrill is understandingly mad. I think TPAAgent, confirmed what Merill is saying. Lets stop the personal attacks. banter is good as long as their is no personal attacks.
It may surprise you or it may not. But I tried to stay out of this but there comes a time when enough is enough.

I agree with b61Mack & Josh.

One can attack ideas and/or companies for whatever, but I haven't seen anyone in the posts I've read on the Forum make the personal attacks quite like you have Merrill.

Are you good at sales? One can only assume so...

I also find most salesmen are not good Numbers guys & like those that Fish...the fish gets bigger with age:goofy:

FYI: I'm NOT saying that is what you do as I have NO personal knowledge & learned a LONG time ago not to AssUme anything regarding people I've never met.

My View: Josh "MPS" is a stand up guy & has helped many agents on this forum with advice & excellent deals on data & dialers. Never met him but I have learned that about him from reading the forum.

Please lay off the personal attacks of those on the Forum. YAL: they sound like they deserve most of what they got. Too bad they wouldn't come on here & give their take. One can only say "wow" at the transcript of the leads though...pretty sad they called those valid....

3/10 or 5/10...guess it depends on ones ROI. Others may vary...

Good luck to all. Trust, but Verify.:idea:
Yall can say what you want to about lead companies and other agents, but please dont put down TacoBell.

TacoBell kept me alive back when the days I could not cook anything and had little to no money at all.

TacoBell has been good to a lot of us.
I don't know Josh from Adam and I really don't care who he is. I feel he has tried to belittle my complaints about YAL from day one. He has played the devils advocate quite well.

I came here to voice my concerns about YAL and the quality of their leads. Everyone expected TPAA would get great leads as YAL is monitoring this site, One would expect they would want to put their best foot forward, if only to save a little face with this forum, however they did not.

By all accounts the leads they sent TPPA are the same as mine were, horrible. TPPA and I are not the only agents who have complainned about YAL. This thread has been going on for a long time. While I was probably the most vocal, I believe my complaints have been proven.

Josh if I offended you I am sorry. Please accept my apology.

order up!