New Member
- 8
By the way...forgot to mention this about "Hometown Quotes."
A mock health lead was submitted to them within the last 10 days. Hometown sent a confirmation email within a few moments indicating the names of the agents that would be calling (along with an EHEALTH Instant quote offer). WITHIN 5 MINUTES...An email was sent from BOTH Netquote and Insureme listing their agents that would be calling. Clearly, Hometown wasted no time in selling that lead.
Gee thanks. I love agents like you that fill out "mock" (read: bogus, BS, crap, etc.) leads. Sounds like you have too much spare time.
I buy leads from both InsureMe and Hometownquotes (along with Netquote and one other who shall remain nameless because I can say nothing nice about them yet) and two things are faulty about the above though. I buy in excess of 1500 leads per week total.
1. Hometownquotes does not sell health leads to InsureMe.
2. Their confirmation emails do not contain the information you indicate.
If you think that lead companies are not trying to stay competitive in the market you are mistaken. If you think that the average consumer is not pissed off when they only get two measly quotes, you are mistaken. If you think that somehow you can drive leads better yourself with your paltry budget, you are mistaken. We have tried and failed more times than I can count and we have plenty of money to try.
I also don't understand your obsession and concern with eHealth, but I will leave that alone because quite frankly it is both amusing and comforting to know where your energies are going. It makes my job that much safer and the jobs of my sales floor that much easier.
Lastly I will say about all three companies mentioned....they are great companies with fine gentlemen and women representing them. Perfect? Not at all. Honest and Sincere? you bet your sweet ass.