ACA Express -vs- HealthSherpa

Appears applications are not being processed. Tried to send one application through several different vendors and seems to lock up.
Any one else having that problem?
CMS has really hidden the ability to get quotes at That's good for us WBE users.
YES this is still a problem...get to the application screen, and the screen just spins and spins...Shameful. How much did this website cost us taxpayers ? What a complete joke THREE years into this.
Appears applications are not being processed. Tried to send one application through several different vendors and seems to lock up.
Any one else having that problem?

There was an intermittent period where CMS was having issues at the log in step but they have since resolved. We are seeing apps going through to completion now.

Also, the "Renewals" feature is working great users are telling us! Even works for situations where the carrier is not available! We also added, in case anyone missed it earlier this week, ability to import Sherpa files and have them use our Flashback Renewal tool!
All WBE's must do the "Launch Marketplace" this OE. Stay tuned though for our "Full App" option which is slated to launch in a few days!

Looking forward to this Kenny. ACA Express will leap-frog over the competition when your new "avoid" feature goes live!


YES this is still a problem...get to the application screen, and the screen just spins and spins...Shameful. How much did this website cost us taxpayers ? What a complete joke THREE years into this.

There are always hiccups the first few days after is brought out of Summer hibernation.
Missed this question but timing is good! Short answer: YES you can and it is a exclusive to ACAExpress feature.

We provide three import options of which the newest is:


So the "Import New Book of Business" feature can work with a CSV file from any other Web Broker as long as it contains all of the necessary information such as App ID, APTC, CSR and Plan information?

If some of the clients were pre-ACA Express enrollees for 2015 but you used another platform for enrollments for 2016 will there be an issue moving those clients back to the ACA Express platform for the 2017 year since they will be duplicate entries in the system?

From what I understand is that if all of this can be done we can use all of the new ACA Express features such as renewals, life changes, etc for these clients? It can take up to 48 hours usually less to complete?

Thanks Kenny. Waiting for your response. Thanks for all the updates. :)
Missed this question but timing is good! Short answer: YES you can and it is a exclusive to ACAExpress feature.

We provide three import options of which the newest is:


Q: So the "Import New Book of Business" feature can work with a CSV file from any other Web Broker as long as it contains all of the necessary information such as App ID, APTC, CSR and Plan information?


Q: If some of the clients were pre-ACA Express enrollees for 2015 but you used another platform for enrollments for 2016 will there be an issue moving those clients back to the ACA Express platform for the 2017 year since they will be duplicate entries in the system?

A: Not fully understanding the question. Do you mean:

1.They were enrolled via ACAexpress in 2014 then in 2015 via another platform? and if they were then imported into ACAExpress today via file from the other platform would it duplicate and would that cause any issues? If so then yes it would create a duplicate entry in our system but would not cause any other issues. They would simply be listed twice.

2. Other?

Q: From what I understand is that if all of this can be done we can use all of the new ACA Express features such as renewals, life changes, etc for these clients? It can take up to 48 hours usually less to complete?

A: Yes, that is correct. The 48 hours we ask is so support can review the imported file for errors, accuracy after integrated, etc. It is simply not possible to write the code such that it would catch all the craziness in the import files due to differing platforms and/or agents manually editing prior, etc. I can say that nobody thus far has had to wait anywhere near 48 hours.

Thanks Kenny. Waiting for your response. Thanks for all the updates. :)
I gotta hand it to Kenny at ACA EXPRESS...the first day of OEP 2017, this AM, he was spot on answering all questions within MINUTES, that is SERVICE FOLKS.
Not happy with Sherpa today. Very sluggish, timed out a few times, error messages. PLUS, what is the deal with the long application?? It might even be faster to just go right into Where did the 2 minute app go from last year? Plus, no payment option anymore at the end of submission for taking care of the binder payment.
Oh, not to mention two new insurers I am appointed with are not coming up on my list of insurers I can add to my profile, but they do come up on the quote. Not cool!
I tried earlier this morning and it timed out for me also I guess HCG was down but not sure I really trust there enrollment platform