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How much are the fees for healthsherpa and ACA express for 2017?
ACAExpress has two options:
$12.50 per enrollment as they are completed.
Pro Express
On 11/01/2016 pricing will be reduced to $99 and include the first 50 enrollments per month! PLUS, if you have more than one user in your agency the included applications are "pooled" between all users on Pro Express!
If you do not already have an ACAExpress profile you can set one up FREE here. Choose the Standard option and there will not be any fees unless you were to submit an application through to completion.
All plans are month to month so no long term agreements and can change anytime you want.
You can get cheaper but not better; no other platform provides all the features and tools we do to help you succeed!
Plus we are not an FMO, GA, MGA or similar as it to be so would be a conflict of interest.