Advice needed

Bryant Francom

New Member
I'm 18 and pretty new in the industry, I have decided not to sell to family or friends until I own my own agency. I eventually want to start my own agency selling group health insurance.

I am still super new in this industry and I'm looking for a company to work for that will provide leads, any advice would be very appreciated, thanks.
I put in my papers yesterday, and that is another problem finding a company that will take me for 2 months before I go and have something for when I get back
Sell to family and friends if there is a need. If not they at least know what you do. Things happen in life and you don't want someone at time of need to ask why didn't you tell me you sold ______ insurance?
Family and friends are the best to cut your teeth on because they realize and understand you don't know your head from a doorknob and are willing to work with you while you track down answers. When you make a mistake they are also less likely to sue your E & O carrier
I put in my papers yesterday, and that is another problem finding a company that will take me for 2 months before I go and have something for when I get back

Then don't. You won't be here to service the business you sell, if you sell any.

The industry will still be here after you serve. That's your priority now.

Besides, who will renew your license ($) and take your CE while you're serving?

For everything, there is a season.

This isn't your season yet.
I'm 18 and pretty new in the industry, I have decided not to sell to family or friends until I own my own agency. I eventually want to start my own agency selling group health insurance.

I always felt I would not sell anything to someone I would not sell to my own family or friends.

That being said I don't prefer approaching family/friends for other reasons. Maybe you have one of those reasons.
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I put in my papers yesterday, and that is another problem finding a company that will take me for 2 months before I go and have something for when I get back
Not likely that you will find someone to take you for 2 months and have you leave. Whether someone does or does not, strongly suggest you continue to do research while trying to learn as much as you can about the types of coverage you want to market. Best of luck.
I'll add this idea: find an internship.

By their very nature, they are temporary and you're working for work and industry experience. You certainly won't be expected to sell or service any policyholders long-term.
Why aren't you serving an LDS mission? That's one of the best training programs for insurance sales.


I don't recall ever seeing that here, or anywhere. @DHK is 100% spot on. The missionary program is better than anything an insurance carrier will put you through. The tools you gain on your journey will prepare you for almost anything life can throw at you.