AEP Marketing | $10,000

I’d demand the physical lead card mailed to you. 95% of mail houses resell the leads or give you older leads . The reason you demand the physical mail card is to see the return postage date . Also on any lead card make sure the client has to list their age and not date of birth . Ages Change yr to yr put date of births don’t . So they could be selling you a 2 yr old lead with dob being used . Avg response rate on a lead in Fla will be .8% or so . If you hit 1% thats good
Lead cards are being digitally scanned in. Mine for 90 days then no longer exclusive afaik.

It has an age box on the card not DOB so that’s good.
Yep. Agreed. Was hoping someone had the magic bullet.

I did 8 educational seminars between August and March of last year. The 4 I did in March were abysmal. Literal 4% conversion rate on 100 attendees. Didn't even break even.

Most just there for the free food acting like vultures who haven't ate in days.

Considering a library setting from now on.

Now the Seminars I did August 2023 had a 30% conversion rate, same presentation, same places, same company doing the mailers. All about the timing of the year I guess.

Just frustrated as its my second AEP and I really need to hit that 250 number by next year or I'm going to have to get a FT corporate job somewhere.
One thing I learned.....don't ever offer them ANYTHING, aside from basic coffee/water. These types of people are only addicted to free shit. They aren't actually there to hear you at all.

Some people just love free shit or having some place to go. By not offering anything on the flyer, the people that do show up will ACTUALLY be there for the insurance you're offering.

I also agree that seminars are a giant waste of time. I ran 10 seminars in 2023, and about 7 people total showed up. I closed 2.

It was a GIANT waste of time. The carrier paid, which is the only reason I did them, but if I was paying.....forget it. HUGE waste of time and money.

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