Agents Need to Boycott Obamacrap

I've said the same thing and haven't written the first app.

They just want to collapse the system so they can go single payer.

Your logic is clouded by your derp.....

If you think Obamacare is a path to single payer why not try to enroll some healthy people and make it work so the system doesn't collapse and we don't get single payer......we all know the sick people will get enrolled with or without an agent.......

How about pull your weight and help out the rest of us trying to make this work.....I don't want single payer.....I enrolled 8 people in 2014 plans today....they were all *gasp* healthy.....
Yea....those 8 are going to save the system....I bet out of the 8 none were under 30....if the young and healthy do not sign up for this we have one giant risk pool.... and over the last 20 years the 30 and under do not buy or a hard sell....even when it was $50 a month....

why not try to enroll some healthy people and make it work so the system doesn't collapse and we don't get single payer......How about pull your weight and help out the rest of us trying to make this work.....I don't want single payer.....I enrolled 8 people in 2014 plans today....they were all *gasp* healthy.....
Yea....those 8 are going to save the system....I bet out of the 8 none were under 30....if the young and healthy do not sign up for this we have one giant risk pool.... and over the last 20 years the 30 and under do not buy or a hard sell....even when it was $50 a month....

Isn't the obamacare solving this issue by forcing everyone to get health insurance or be penalized? Or am I missing something here?
Yea....those 8 are going to save the system....I bet out of the 8 none were under 30....if the young and healthy do not sign up for this we have one giant risk pool.... and over the last 20 years the 30 and under do not buy or a hard sell....even when it was $50 a month....

7 out of 8 were under 30.....1 was 50 something.....

This week I have replaced a lot of child only policies that are being cancelled 1/1.....premiums on a gold plan for minors are pretty reasonable around here......

But more importantly Stibroker.....why do you hate America?

Why do you want a single payer system?
so these were not subsidized plans tied to have written off exchange plans this week also...but have health conditions,.... so no you are not helping the system work......

This week I have replaced a lot of child only policies that are being cancelled 1/1.....premiums on a gold plan for minors are pretty reasonable around here......

But more importantly Stibroker.....why do you hate America?

Why do you want a single payer system?
so these were not subsidized plans tied to have written off exchange plans this week also...but have health conditions,.... so no you are not helping the system work......

They were 50/50 on/off exchange......all but 1 on the same carrier....all 2014 plans.....

I am generally putting everything on/off exchange with the same carrier.....this a an F&B town....plenty of healthy young folks without coverage that are subsidy eligible, and I intend to make every one of them pay for what they voted for.......

But more importantly, you never answered why you want things to collapse to single payer.....

Pray tell.
All this talk about single payer is making us look like a bunch of idiots. It didn't happen when the Dems had a trifecta, I bet a lot of people using the term doesn't even know what it means.
I have enrolled about 55 people so far (no where near what I could have done if it were working on 10/1), but many of those will be heavy users of the plan next year. Most of the young people I have on my book of business are keeping their plan for one more year. Other young people I talk to say they will pay the fine. In their mind, 1% of 30k is less than the annual premiums, and they don't use healthcare now (right or wrong, that's what they think).

Not sure how we will pay for all this. The law will likely get squeezed as the losses roll in over time. I am taking the advice from an exec earlier this year, "write what you can over the next couple years....but work on plan B during the off season....I am not sure how long this will last and where it will go in years to come."