Appears to Be Down...

As an FYI to all.. While CMS is having issues with the Marketplace Access feature and the front end at I can say that we are not seeing any issues in submitting applications. Bring this up at suggestion of others who have called or emailed us saying they are unable to submit via other enrollment platforms.. Push 'em through ACAExpress! ROCKING IT TODAY!
Is it just me?

Because I'm getting a certain amount of glee in telling late decision makers, "Sorry, we are not accepting applications for Jan. 1 start date (because we can't or we don't know whether the app will even get processed)."
I doubt you could even get a application through HC if they are having technical problems.
Last year they said if the application was completed in a timely manner they would honor it for January1.
They are going to have to have some extension on the date since this is clearly there fault.
I will just enter through HS and copy the date application was completed and wait for it to go through Hc
Don't see any other option
As an FYI to all.. While CMS is having issues with the Marketplace Access feature and the front end at I can say that we are not seeing any issues in submitting applications. Bring this up at suggestion of others who have called or emailed us saying they are unable to submit via other enrollment platforms.. Push 'em through ACAExpress! ROCKING IT TODAY!

Hey, guys, IT'S TRUE! Apps are going through immediately at ACAExpress. Screaming through, as Kenny says it!
Hey, guys, IT'S TRUE! Apps are going through immediately at ACAExpress. Screaming through, as Kenny says it!

:) Guess free is not so free if does not work... :cool:

and yes, we are screaming apps through.. here is one which took barely 60 seconds, finished at 5:22 PM CST
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We need someone from HS to reaffirm things here for us- If we have apps submitted in their system they should be honored for meeting the Dec 15 deadline.
As an FYI to all.. While CMS is having issues with the Marketplace Access feature and the front end at I can say that we are not seeing any issues in submitting applications. Bring this up at suggestion of others who have called or emailed us saying they are unable to submit via other enrollment platforms.. Push 'em through ACAExpress! ROCKING IT TODAY!

Just got the error msg on return trip from the marketplace
makes absolutely no sense that ACAExpress could somehow be able to magically get things to ship right through when other WBE brokers are down, you can't get in the front door at, and you can't even get through on the phone to

For one of mine that Sherpa says they must contact, I am attempting to go through a direct enrollment tool with the carrier that they chose. So far I got in, found and pulled the Sherpa-started app (which was incomplete), and got about 2/3 of the way through the income information (which was completely empty) before it froze up on a please wait green circle screen. I am going to try again later.