Are There Any Faith-based Christian IMO/FMO's

I am saying there are good, honest, ethical people everywhere. IMO parenting has a major impact on how folks interact in business and social situations.
Plenty of them out there. But even as a believer I don't trust shops that advertise their Christianity.

Paul was a missionary and he made tents for money. I doubt he was inscribing the tents with Bible verses.
I advertise that I'm an Atheist. We can be trusted becaus we're not doing good things out of fear, just out of morals.

You're making some serious assumptions about why we might do a thing. In my case, and most Christians I know, fear is not the prime mover, but love and gratitude.
You're making some serious assumptions about why we might do a thing. In my case, and most Christians I know, fear is not the prime mover, but love and gratitude.

Not trying to start a religious argument, but think about that for a second. If there wasn't the "fear" of going to hell, how many of those people do you know would act the same as they do now? How many would choose to do things in there own best interest if they thought no one was holding them accountable? Just think about it!
Not trying to start a religious argument, but think about that for a second. If there wasn't the "fear" of going to hell, how many of those people do you know would act the same as they do now? How many would choose to do things in there own best interest if they thought no one was holding them accountable? Just think about it!

Christians have no fear of going to hell. Just one of the many perks of being a Christian ;)

And from a biblical perspective, there is no difference in God's will versus what's in our best interest. They are one in the same.
Not trying to start a religious argument, but think about that for a second. If there wasn't the "fear" of going to hell, how many of those people do you know would act the same as they do now? How many would choose to do things in there own best interest if they thought no one was holding them accountable? Just think about it!
No argument here. In the broad context of Christianity which would include anyone who calls themself a Christian, there are many who are taught and believe a system that is essentially nothing more than behavioral management. (Do good - get rewarded; Do bad - get punished) However that's not true for all, or maybe even most, Christians. My point to Rick is that he was making a sweeping generalization about what motivates Christians to act. I wasn't really trying to call him out, just encouraging him to see a bigger picture.