Best way to bring clients to you when you are starting from scratch

As I've said before. I'm creating a training book or better yet, a play book. In my previous posts, I've given a list that is already in my play book.
I'm looking for a least 12 ways to get your 1st 50 clients. I'm not asking for myself. Because I have a book of business. I'm creating this play book for my new sales staff and if it works well, use this play book as a seminar for new insurance sales teams in other agencies.
I put my list out there in my previous posts. I'm wanting others who do other differrnt things than what's on my list.
But you can't get referrals until you get your first few sales.
I'm working on my first 50 clients and so far I've had some success calling smaller contractor type businesses that have insirance through some online company out of state and would like a local agent. Also captive referrals and networking with the realtors I've known previously. Obviously some of this you weren't asking for but phone book seemed to be good. Categorize it as cold calling maybe? But I think it's a certain type.
I'm working on my first 50 clients and so far I've had some success calling smaller contractor type businesses that have insirance through some online company out of state and would like a local agent. Also captive referrals and networking with the realtors I've known previously. Obviously some of this you weren't asking for but phone book seemed to be good. Categorize it as cold calling maybe? But I think it's a certain type.

How do you know the contractors have a out of state agent or online company? This is a great addition to put into my training manual.
How do you know the contractors have a out of state agent or online company? This is a great addition to put into my training manual.

I didn't until I asked "how often or when was the last time you really sat down with your agent and reviewed your insirance? Is there anything you would change about it?"

Got an honest answer like "there is a circle I'm in with some businesses and you aren't in that circle" so I said I understand and moved on. The best one was a guy frustrated with his company for different reasons. They are out of state and sounds like they are out of touch. I'm not using this to market myself to others by saying "A lot of business owners like you I talk to have insurance out of our area or out of state, would you be open to letting me look into your insirance coverage and seeing if I can help?" At least you get a friendly response and possibly a future sale. Cross selling personal lines is the goal as well!
My goal is to put them into a group that has a problem. "Business owners like you". Then help them see value I how I can help them. Get them to buy into why they need me to at least look into whether or not I can help. Not whether I can be cheaper but how I can work for them so they don't have to do it anymore.
Make sure you tell Edward Jones that - particularly all their new advisor recruits that are doing it right now.

Oh, and tell TheWolf22 on the AdvisorHeads forum who got nearly ALL $20+ million in assets + a $2 million account from door-knocking.

Oh, and tell Whirleybird that it doesn't work too. But I don't think he'll have enough time to take your call.
If you look sketchy, Jehovah's Witness, or Mormon (sorry David), cable, phone or internet then yeah you'll probably get run off. But if you look like an average, well dressed person who can have a conversation and not read from a script, then I'm sure you'll find some success.

And quite frankly, all the people I mentioned that would get run off? They must be having some success or they still wouldn't be doing it either. The questions are, how good are you, and how dedicated (hungry) are you?
With everyone sitting behind their computers, phones, (anti)social media, etc. I think BECAUSE of those things, that door knocking is more effective than ever. This is from personal experience and success, not theory. Always works great for me. Some of my strongest (and biggest) client relationships started with door knocking.
Plus, if you start a relationship with someone in person, you will always be a person to them. If you start off with phone or email, you will for a long time just be a voice or an email address. It takes much longer to build a relationship from phone or email from my experience.
Winners find ways to make things work. Losers find excuses why they won't or didn't.