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She's just another clueless know-it-all. Those Christian things are not insurance and they're not binding legal contracts like actual real insurance is. They don't legally have to cover anything, and many of them choose not to when someone gets really sick and starts needing millions of dollars of care. Sadly, some people just have to learn the hard way. There's nothing that can be said. They "know it all."What's the deal with those?
I had lost a few to those in the past, Not a big number
I rememeber one in particualr she would complain about her med sup premium and everytime I brought up MA she would come back with I dont trust them I cant deal with uncertiantly I dont want to be left holding the bag
And one day she calls me to cancel her supp because she got some self pa plan through a Christian organization she was super confident about
Nothing I could say to make her think twice about it