Cease FE face to face selling

This is just a hold over from the initial Fox/Lindbaugh/Gingrich "head in the sand" iand "t's another hoax reaction."

It is a mutant strain of the virus that causes the common cold. It is a version of the same virus that does cause the common cold. Just far more virulent and far more deadly.

Analogous to the way flesh-eating disease is a mutant version of the bacteria that causes strep throat.

No need to engage in more xenophobic weaponizing of this disease.
Dude. The same people who declare that calling it the "Wuhan Virus" is xenophobic, also frequently compare it to the Spanish Flu pandemic. My ethnicity is 1/4 Spanish/Hispanic through my maternal grandmother. Should I take umbrage?:mad:
This is just a hold over from the initial Fox/Lindbaugh/Gingrich "head in the sand" iand "t's another hoax reaction."

It is a mutant strain of the virus that causes the common cold. It is a version of the same virus that does cause the common cold. Just far more virulent and far more deadly.

Analogous to the way flesh-eating disease is a mutant version of the bacteria that causes strep throat.

No need to engage in more xenophobic weaponizing of this disease.
How is calling it Wuhan any different that calling other viruses by the name of where they originated? West Nile Virus. Spanish Flu. Asian Flu,etc. Calling it Coronavirus confuses it with all the other strains of Coronavirus that cause the common cold and other types of influenza.
How is calling it Wuhan any different that calling other viruses by the name of where they originated?

Because no one is calling it that other wackos wing nuts ... they have an agenda that we should not support. We should not politicize this at all - we can't choose to politicize some aspects of this crisis and not others because we then stay fractured and subject to false reports and propaganda.

"In the past five years, Donald Trump has explicitly promoted the notion that foreigners carry contagion. In 2015 he proclaimed that Mexicans were to blame for "tremendous infectious disease … pouring across the border," a charge he has repeated as president. Meanwhile, the deliberate cultivation of fears of infectious disease from China has a long, nasty history in the United States—one that even today's bitter partisans should be willing to acknowledge."

Conservatives Try to Rebrand the Coronavirus
Orsen Orwell had us 'Americans' all pegged.

Orson Wells and George Orwell?

George Orwell's 1984 called the government ministry in charge of propaganda the Ministry of Truth.

We are certainly seeing that come to life here in this thread and here on this forum.
Day Timer... do a little research where most of these viruses are coming from. Look at the time line on this one.

History is repeating itself and the politically correct police are out while our economy is in a dump mode.

Last thing I want to hear from anyone is how we should be saying this and not saying that.

Not hooking my wagon to that Star. :nah:

Funny how the abortion bill that was attached to the funding bill to help with this virus, but others are some how reminded that we are not to politicize this.

Sorry buddy... not with you on this one.
Funny how the abortion bill that was attached to the funding bill to help with this virus, but others are some how reminded that we are not to politicize this.

The write to your Republican congressman and tell him that the Republuicans should not have tried to insert Hyde amendment language pertaining to abortion in the Corona Virus bill. But don't try to imply that there was some sort of left leaning move to promote abortion in the bill. That issue was all Republican driven.