Cease FE face to face selling

I think you missed his point altogether!

He's been quite clear that he believes this disease is a bunch of over-hyped malarkey and he does not think it necessary to do anything extraordinary to prevent its spread. That is what I was responding to.
"The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
Fury at US 'infanticide' abortion bill

Technically not abortion but lumped into the late term abortion bills where a baby could be aborted right up to the point of delivery.
Notice that he called the baby an "infant", no longer hiding behind the word "fetus" .. Other bills have allowed that if a child survives a botched abortion, they can withhold medical care and allow the a baby to die.. :sad:
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He's been quite clear that he believes this disease is a bunch of over-hyped malarkey and he does not think it necessary to do anything extraordinary to prevent its spread. That is what I was responding to.
Ok. I know you feel pretty strongly about it. One thing I've learned about you that I really appreciate is the level of passion and commitment you seem to bring to everything. You don't get into anything halfway! I may not always agree with you, but I love your intensity, brother!
"Abortions are not performed at 40 weeks on healthy, viable pregnancies," she said. "Overwhelmingly, abortions that occur at this point in pregnancy are pregnancies where lethal fetal anomalies have been diagnosed."

A still born baby removed from the womb at 40 weeks is still called an abortion, because the pregnancy was aborted prior to natural child birth.

Everyone of these laws is basically to prevent a woman from being forced to carry a deceased infant to term.

It is common for a woman to miscarry and not give birth to the deceased infant.

I am not pro-choice. But I am reasonable, I believe, in what I find common sense. If the mother's life is in danger, if the child is deceased, I really think it is no one's business other than the woman to make that choice. You have to remember, these are women who wanted that child, monkey. No one decides at 40 weeks that having a baby is going to be too inconvenient after all.
We were having this discussion a while back. Travis said that most abortions weren't for convenience. I posted something from Florida. They keep track of the reason for each abortion performed in Florida. I think that 97% were for convenience.

Any abortion makes me ill, especially the late term abortions. My 1st born was 2 months premature and weighed a little more than 3 pounds. She was in Neo Natal for 32 days, much of that in an incubator. She turned 40 in November and her daughter becomes a teenager next month.

When she was in the hospital, there were a set of twins that barely weighed a pound each. Not sure how early they were, but late term abortions are being done on babies further along than those twins and my daughter.

When a women gets pregnant, it's not just her body.................:no:
They keep track of the reason for each abortion performed in Florida. I think that 97% were for convenience.

I agree. A very high number are convenience. But specifically late term abortions are not at all likely to be convenience. These are tragedies. These are women who wanted their babies, and for a serious, dangerous medical reason have found themselves facing this choice.

For example, if a child is discovered ot have died in utero, until that law you cited from New York was passed, if it were after 24 weeks, the woman was supposed to wait until her body went into labor, or labor would be induced so she'd go through labor to deliver a corpse.

Those cases are typically dealt with by D&C, an abortion technique. That procedure will still be reported to the CDC or whoever it is that keeps these statistics as an abortion.

Most abortions are early in the term. And most are, unfortunately, for convenience/financial reasons. But make no mistake. The purpose of that law was to protect health, not provide legal justification to murder an infant that would be viable outside the womb.
Pennsylvania has today banned door to door sales of energy/utility/solar for 30 days.

I don't know why those specifically. I have not seen anything banning door to door sales outright - but it is coming I'm sure.
Pennsylvania has today banned door to door sales of energy/utility/solar for 30 days.

I don't know why those specifically. I have not seen anything banning door to door sales outright - but it is coming I'm sure.

I'm sure that's for cold calling. If u have a lead card that's different.