Colonial Breakdown Por Favor

Thanks for all of the information so far. Let me go a little more in depth into my situation.... I'm in a city that has a very heavy penetration rate of AFLAC. Besides AFLAC there are no supplemental companies in town to speak of. If not Colonial, who would you recommend starting with? Supplemental has two purposes for me. The first is just making some money, and I know I have the attitude to make money pounding the pavement. The second is to build a book of business to cross-sell other insurance products that I offer. So.... if not Colonial, then who?
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Al3, thanks for the information. Most helpful so far.

Why do you need to go the supplemental route...What I mean is there are plenty of companies that will let you sell the regular individual products on a list bill with 3 enrolled lives...Typically better comp...Instead of coming into the business pitching, life,std,mini-med, dental, ltc and whatever else aflac and colonial currently offer why not come in with 1 product at a time....