Columbian COPD

I think all we are left with is Assurity if not on O2, Mon Std and UHL if no treatment at all...:1mad:

Equitable L&C will insure COPD with immed covg if N/S but at Std rates, which are slightly higher than TA / Monu Std rates. So Monu / TA would be the default here unless there is some knockout on TA / Monu app. Equitable is GDB if Smkr and COPD, or possibly if other complications.

** The standout here is o2 use, if within the past 6 months they will issue Graded, not Modified like most other carriers. If longer than 6 months since o2 use then Preferred. Obviously if COPD is present and n/s then we are looking at Std rates not pref, but again unlikely if COPD and on o2 use that the client will be getting off of o2 use anyway. I would want to verify the above info with u/w because I have never used this new product in this manner for o2 use, but that is what the u/w guide says.

***They do have some caveats where a PI has multiple conditions, that individually the condition is acceptable but combined they are either Modified or Declined, so I would prescreen any condtion here in advance. I haven't had enough experience with their new Heritage product yet so state any absolutes here.
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My suspect uses O2 intermittently during the day but definitely when sleeping. I usually do call u/w to clarify health issues B/4 submission, but I do need a definite guaranteed product.
Well all I know is I've had two polices approved level with Assurity with COPD no O2 and UW and PHI knew about the COPD.

You guys may not run into this much but I literally run into COPD 3-4x a week.
Well all I know is I've had two polices approved level with Assurity with COPD no O2 and UW and PHI knew about the COPD.

You guys may not run into this much but I literally run into COPD 3-4x a week.

Hoosier, you sure you are not in NC? I run into it all the time here also. My thoughts....patient hits medicare goes to doctor....Doctor says...have you ever smoked?( in NC are you kidding me?) do you ever get short of breath when you are working outside? patient...yes.....Oh well YOU have COPD! This way you get to come see me every 3 months! But dont worry...Medicare will cover most of the cost:1wink:
It is real common here in FL. I run into smokers that have COPD on a regular basis. I have sold 4 policies so far in 6 months for smokers with COPD and got them immediate issue coverage. I also do a blended situation if they do in fact smoke and are under 70. I can get them Gerber GI at a lower rate since they don't have rates for smokers. This scenario is well explained to the client and it comes down to having more coverage if indeed they can afford it.
It is real common here in FL. I run into smokers that have COPD on a regular basis. I have sold 4 policies so far in 6 months for smokers with COPD and got them immediate issue coverage. I also do a blended situation if they do in fact smoke and are under 70. I can get them Gerber GI at a lower rate since they don't have rates for smokers. This scenario is well explained to the client and it comes down to having more coverage if indeed they can afford it.

COPD smoker immediate coverage level? if so with who?