Commision increase


100+ Post Club
My broker informed me that United Health Care has increased their
commision on Part C from $ 330 to $ 400 per application.
Yes it is, I got the call from John Deere today wanting me to sell their product which is still marketed under the JD name (in the East TN area) or better known as Secure Horizon.
That product is ok. First year commish is good. renewals are horrible at $5/month.

Thanks for the info.
perfectchoice said:
That product is ok. First year commish is good. renewals are horrible at $5/month.

Thanks for the info.

Around my neck of the woods I found that the weakness with Advantra and other plans including Sterling MA's is that so many Dr's simply don't take them. Esp. considering the Summitt Group, they only take the local Cariten and John Deere, many hospitals in the area are very friendly towards Cariten and John Deere so obviously I'll sign up and use them as my first out of bag plan or for cold calling.

Ps Baptist hospital is now facing not having the money for next month's payroll and the plan for another company that was planning on buying them out is now dead in the water. The clock is now ticking yet for another major hospital. :cry:
Insuranceman said:
My broker informed me that United Health Care has increased their
commision on Part C from $ 330 to $ 400 per application.

is this secure horizons, pacificare?
honestagent said:
Insuranceman said:
My broker informed me that United Health Care has increased their
commision on Part C from $ 330 to $ 400 per application.

is this secure horizons, pacificare?

sorry; i re-read and saw it is. my question to you or anybody on here is: are they paying promptly? any hang-ups besides doc's we should know of, ie - are they calling agents on pending apps? do they call clients confirming their medicare id #s (for whatever reason/s???) instead of calling the agents? are they sending them letters to encourage them to swich during the OEP if they're not satisfied with the plan's bennies? Is there a verification line we need to call when enrolling? Are you able to get supplies in a timely manner? Again, are you getting paid promptly and in FULL AMOUNTS.... ie, you write say, 5 cases, do you get paid on all 5 cases in full the next month, or on some of your cases, or on all of your cases but 85% total out of the 100%? ie, 5 cases paid in full next month @ 400 bucks = $2000.00 or 5 cases paid @ 85% next month =ing less than $2000.? Also does business need to stay on books for 3 months or with United, is it 12 months?
honestagent - sounds like you are having problems with your IMO.

Are you verifying your sales? If you do not do a verification call, they usually get an outbound call from the company to review the information and explain to them the enrollment periods.

I know that Humana and Pyramid have a verification line that they want you to call when you are in the home.

If you do get an app hung up in Medicare, it can be a long and painful process. I have had one in there for 3 months and they still got it wrong (wanted Humana and ended up with Sterling) even with my app being the oldest signature date.