Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider

Before I end this discussion in this thread, please understand I am not suggesting anyone questioned my honest and/or ethics.

If I gave that impression, I apologize. I don't have a chip on my shoulder, its just that I find it difficult to express myself without being very "short."

I enjoy this type of discussion but believe it belongs in another thread. I've had many discussion with clients about my beliefs and those beliefs nor discussions have never hampered my ability to write insurance.

Most of the people I know are opened minded and frankly, everyone posting about this have been quite fair to both sides. I haven't felt any personal attacks and trust I haven't made anyone feel attacked. If hope I haven't offended anyone.


I'm not offended. I love "debates". You mentioned your honesty and ethics a couple of times and I just felt you were feeling it being questioned by some on the board, including myself. Just wanted to let you know that no one was questioning that. If you want to continue it on another thread, I'm up for it.
I am more in Rick's camp from a philosophical perspective. I have not found it a problem when working with Christians. I actually have some churches as clients and they never promote themselves or ask of my beliefs.

I also had not heard of Dave Ramsey. However, I think his advice on high ded. health insurance and term life fit the products I tend to sell. Perhaps one can get by without having to discuss what church they belong to with these leads.
For you guys who are not familiar with Dave Ramsey, he states every day that his financial advice is all based on the New Testiment. He also states that he is giving you the advice that your grandmother and God would give you (pretty arrogant) and that you will never have financial peace unless you walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus.

I would assume from all this that you would need to be a Christian to be in his program.

He has a lot of good information but you have to ignore his BS to get through it. I am a Christian, but I don't like using my faith in a sales pitch.
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For you guys who are not familiar with Dave Ramsey, he states every day that his financial advice is all based on the New Testiment. He also states that he is giving you the advice that your grandmother and God would give you (pretty arrogant) and that you will never have financial peace unless you walk daily with the Price of Peace, Christ Jesus.

I would say that stating a product like permanent life insurance should never be used under any circumstances directly contradicts the grandmother/God thing, because there are clearly legitimate uses for it. High deductible health insurance doesn't make the most sense either for certain situations.

Some insurance/financial products make more sense for a larger percentage of the population than others, but there is a reason why there are so many to choose from. When any "guru" gets on the "one size fits all" kick, you know you're listening to a guy that was put on this earth to collect trash, but somehow found his way into the financial industry, much to the detriment of his sheep followers.
ELP's can't sell life insurance - PERIOD!

As a result of the discussion going on at this board, my son-in-law who teaches Ramsey's material at his church, sent a letter to Ramsey making some recommendations on how Ramsey could ensure that his ELP's are offering the most competitive term product to his listeners.

In response, Ramsey's staff indicated that under no circumstance can ELP's sell life insurance - life insurance is only sold through one Ramsey advertising affiliate: Zander Insurance

Can anyone here, who has signed an ELP agreement, confirm one way or the other, whether those agreements prohibit the sale of life insurance to Ramsey referrals.
That is absolutely incorrect! There is a prohibition to sell permanent insurance.
If someone has a problem with that they shouldn't apply to be an ELP. Never asked if I was a Christian either, never had any referral ask me or I ask them.
Working with him and his organization has been a pleasure and very profitable.
There is no ELP for life insurance, just go to his sight. Dave does recommend him, he is the largest advertiser. Although Zander and I are in the same town, he is rarely a competitor, clients like the personal touch.
Tell your son to contact me if he wants the most competitive priced term insurance.

I'm a little lost.

I take your point on permanent insurance. I agree, Ramsey does not want anyone selling his listeners whole life insurance.

But I am confused about term life insurance. Are Ramsey's ELP's allowed to sell term insurance to his listener/referrals or NOT?

Is there anything in the ELP contract that prohibits you from selling term life insurance to a person referred to you by Ramsey?
Two questions, one no.

If you answer one question yes, the other is no. If you answer one no, the other answer is yes.

You're jerking my chain - right?

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