- 882
FYI: BankRate.com now owns: NetQuote, InsureMe, InsWEb & InsuranceAgents.com. Why would they buy these companies? They need agents. AllWebLeads bought InsuranceLeads.com for the same reason...they need agents.
I think the biggest threat to Carriers buying leads is the PPC companies like SureHits & Brokers Web. Reply.com is now jumping into the PPC space with their click traffic now.
So, who is left of any size/volume that now sells leads to agents? Norvax, QuoteWizard & ??
Who else do you all buy leads from that you would recommend?
I think the biggest threat to Carriers buying leads is the PPC companies like SureHits & Brokers Web. Reply.com is now jumping into the PPC space with their click traffic now.
So, who is left of any size/volume that now sells leads to agents? Norvax, QuoteWizard & ??
Who else do you all buy leads from that you would recommend?