Did some door knocking yesterday... and then ate some bacon

you will want lean poultry meat, beef is ok but don't over do it.. The whole idea behind a protein based diet is to induce ketosis.. a build up of ketones in the body.It's stage one of Adkins. you got to be careful, Ketone in high concentration can do permanent damage to the kidneys. You will know when you've reached ketosis you will smell of ketone!
What does ketone smell like? :huh:
I wonder if it smells anything like MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)?
I was curious so I looked it up. If it wasn't due to a serios condition, I guess I wouldn't mind smelling "sweet and fruity". I just don't want to be fruity. :laugh:

"One of the ketones, acetone (a chemical found in nail polish), can cause your breath to smell like nail polish. When ketones rise to unsafe levels, you're at risk of a dangerous condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Symptoms of DKA include: a sweet and fruity odor on your breath."