EFES Newbie

3 words that every agent needs to survive in this biz- Consistent Lead Flow.

Me trying to juggle mail drops & paying 400+/1000 (response rate here is. 8-1%) isn't worth another 15pts or so.

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If you are just doing FE than you might be better off as you say. We have found a better return cross-selling and using Med Supps as the lead-in, heck we don't even do direct mail any more we just cold call for Med Supps and cross sell the FE.

Much better ROI and our guys don't give up any points. I will say that this system doesn't work if you are strictly selling FE, much tougher cold calling for FE than Med Supp.
just tell them FU and go independent. you don't need them if you know how to sell, and you can order your own leads. I know JD and others here use them, but you are taking a big haircut on renewals and 1st yr comp. Then you can't reach them so they can at least pretend to earn their override? :err:
I wish I was in the position to do that and be more in charge of my own program but I do acknowledge I am new to the industry and will need training and education. Also, the lead program sounds appealing as I learn. thanks Jacobtn
Newbie5 said:
I wish I was in the position to do that and be more in charge of my own program but I do acknowledge I am new to the industry and will need training and education. Also, the lead program sounds appealing as I learn. thanks Jacobtn

Question do you get confused for Newbies 1 through 4?
I started part time on old leads with EFES, worked out great for me....I would NOT call them tho, they def wont remember something from 6mos ago, door knock those leads! Then once u get ya feet wet (and used all the old leads in your area), order a batch of new ones and go from there!

How did it end up going?
If you don't mind em asking because I'm planning on going with them and I am in Sacramento, have they been able to keep up with your lead demand and has the quality of the leads stay a 30% closing ratio?
If you don't mind em asking because I'm planning on going with them and I am in Sacramento, have they been able to keep up with your lead demand and has the quality of the leads stay a 30% closing ratio?

EFES has over 1000 agents contracted. Only 2 of those maintain an over 30% closing ratio over an extended period.

I'm talking about over a 1 to 2 year period. Many will hit 30% for a few months but very, very few stay at that level.

I can't imagine it's any different anywhere. I've been with 4 lead IMO's and all of them would praise the agents to no end that could close 30% and up of the leads.
30% - 33 /13% sale/interview ratio has been the goal of companies for their agents ever since I have been in business. It has been the same without regard of the manner the prospect was acquired. Any agent who had a high rate of activity that achieved that over an extended period of time would be an outstanding closer.

I have known agents who could claim a higher rate but they produced very little because they were so fearful of rejection, they would not hardly talk unless they had reason to believe it was a lay down. Most didn't last long in the business even though their ratio was very good.
30% - 33 /13% sale/interview ratio has been the goal of companies for their agents ever since I have been in business. It has been the same without regard of the manner the prospect was acquired. Any agent who had a high rate of activity that achieved that over an extended period of time would be an outstanding closer.

I have known agents who could claim a higher rate but they produced very little because they were so fearful of rejection, they would not hardly talk unless they had reason to believe it was a lay down. Most didn't last long in the business even though their ratio was very good.

Maybe we are talking the same thing but I thought the question was about % sold of the leads received not appointments.

20 leads received per week and 6 applications per week is 30% close ratio. Might have only had 12 appointments from those 20 leads so 6 applications would be a 50% close ratio to the appointments.
Maybe we are talking the same thing but I thought the question was about % sold of the leads received not appointments.

20 leads received per week and 6 applications per week is 30% close ratio. Might have only had 12 appointments from those 20 leads so 6 applications would be a 50% close ratio to the appointments.

OK... I understand.. Closing 50% of your "sit down" interviews is certainly exceptional.
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