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Lets use your example of someone who has insulin resistance.

Lets say they consume no food. Are you saying they will never loss body fat?

No, I. In fact, when one fasts your body's insulin level plummets and your fat cells are then able to release and burn the stored energy.
Ok so that's your answer consume no food?

Nothing wrong with fasting, even for prolonged periods of time. People have cured all manner of disease through fasting. And intermittent fasting is one of the best things you can do to reset your metabolism and restore energy levels.
No, I. In fact, when one fasts your body's insulin level plummets and your fat cells are then able to release and burn the stored energy.

You just proved my point.

I said there is no medical condition that negates (Calories Consumed < Calories Burned = fat loss).

You said insulin resistance is such a condition.

I asked if someone with said condition didn't eat (a calorie deficit) would they lose fat?

You said yes they would (and you're right).

So again my point stands and is irrefutable for every human being alive.

If your calories consumed is less than what is burned, you'll lose body fat.

I'm pointing this out because all too often the obesity conversation regularly removes responsibility from the owner of the obese body. It frequently goes to a place where blame is put on the system or society at large.

No matter how you slice it, the owner of a fat body is 100% solely responsible for it (barring some sort of legitimate mental condition)

There is no system, government, food guideline, food producer, pharmaceutical company or any other external entity that can be blamed for someone who is obese. They alone are responsible and can change it if the change their caloric consumption to be less than their caloric burn.
You just proved my point.

I explained it to you. There are no alternate facts. The science is the science.

All you are saying is if someone stops eating they will lose weight. Well, of course lol!

What I am saying it that someone can 2000 calories per day of bacon and drop weight easily, but if the same person eats 2000 calories of donuts each day he will eventually get fatter and fatter.

Calories in-Calories out is not the explanation for eight gain. The type of calorie - whether it is sugar or meat - is all that matters.

Read Good Calories Bad Caloires by Gary Traub.

There is no system, government, food guideline, food producer, pharmaceutical company or any other external entity that can be blamed for someone who is obese. They alone are responsible and can change it if the change their caloric consumption to be less than their caloric burn.

You are dead wrong.
I explained it to you. There are no alternate facts. The science is the science.

All you are saying is if someone stops eating they will lose weight. Well, of course lol!

What I am saying it that someone can 2000 calories per day of bacon and drop weight easily, but if the same person eats 2000 calories of donuts each day he will eventually get fatter and fatter.

Calories in-Calories out is not the explanation for eight gain. The type of calorie - whether it is sugar or meat - is all that matters.

Read Good Calories Bad Caloires by Gary Traub.

You are dead wrong.

You're words already proved my point. I don't need to go over it again.

I'm curious thought. When someone is fat, who is to blame?
You're words already proved my point. I don't need to go over it again.

I'm curious thought. When someone is fat, who is to blame?

Look, almost the entire world has now heard of the ketogenic diet and why it works. I may be the only one here telling you you are wrong but there are dozens of folks reading this forum who know what I know and furthermore have experienced exactly what I've experienced.

A calorie is not a calorie. What matters is the source and type of calorie.

The country knew this until the 70's when the fvckin Democrats decided they knew better than we did about what made people fat. It isn't the calories. You now believe the George McGovern doctrine of low fat and calories in calories out. So be it.

Andy Griffith and Barney Fife knew they could eat all the meat loaf they wanted so long as they stayed clear of the apple pie.

Look, almost the entire world has now heard of the ketogenic diet and why it works. I may be the only one here telling you you are wrong but there are dozens of folks reading this forum who know what I know and furthermore have experienced exactly what I've experienced.

A calorie is not a calorie. What matters is the source and type of calorie.

The country knew this until the 70's when the fvckin Democrats decided they knew better than we did about what made people fat. It isn't the calories. You now believe the George McGovern doctrine of low fat and calories in calories out. So be it.

Andy Griffith and Barney Fife knew they could eat all the meat loaf they wanted so long as they stayed clear of the apple pie.

Answer my question.

When an individual is fat, who is to blame?