Enhanced Jane Leads.....

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That is one of the main reasons I go on F2F appointments out of town. I can sing in the car and not get the dirty looks I get at home.

A few months ago I hated when someone requested a f2f appt. The lady I am going down to meet tomorrow actually offered to do the app via mail. I enjoy getting out now...:yes:
It's 60-40 that she won't let you in the house. I suggest you learn the "wave."


Usually the ones I think are a solid sale do turn out bad. I asked her all the health questions. I'll get there and find out that she takes aricept but just for preventative purposes. Or she just forgot to mention it...:laugh:
Dubois county tomorrow.lol. I was kidding about the split though. :twitchy: I'll pick you up at 9...

Dubois county!?! Man, that's close to Newby. That's 2 1/2 hour Southwest to me. I wouldn't drive that far anyway.

Why do you have to drive down there anyway?
plain Jane and enhanced Jane

I am not in the FE market but enhanced Jane intrigues me. I would post a picture of what is going through my mind but will probably get me banned.

Besides, you guys know what I mean.
I am not in the FE market but enhanced Jane intrigues me. I would post a picture of what is going through my mind but will probably get me banned.

Besides, you guys know what I mean.

I am not afraid. Is it this?
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