- 17,062
what kind of results are you seeing if you mail out 1K? Do you use forethought as your only f.e. carrier?
I've explained quite often on here that the majority of my sales are from funeral preplanning which is a different division and different product with Forethought. I market for specific funeral homes which increases response rates a lot.
When I sell final expense (non-funeral home specific) it is usually just from appointments where they can't afford to preplan with the funeral home.
Funeral preplanning insurance is basically an increasing benefit final expense policy and is paid in full usually within 3-years. It's more common for the families who do funeral preplanning to pay annually than monthly.
As a rule, wealthier families do a funeral preplan and lower income families do final expense. Middle class can go either way and usually do both. Many families that I sell funeral preplans to already have final expense policies which they just make their kids the bennys on after their funeral expenses are prepaid.
As far as just a straight final expense mailer with no funeral home on it, I have only done two and they flopped. I did full color newspaper inserts with tear off reply cards and ran it twice at 12,000 inserts X 2 and only got about 10-replies total. They were good replies but it did little more than cover my time and expense.
For the knowledge you're looking for: do a search for posts by HoosierDaddy (Travis) and he is very experienced with marketing straight final expense. In fact, I'm ordering a run of his style of mailers today. I'm very experienced with funeral preplanning but with everything else I'm still learning (hence the name Newby.)