Former WFG Agent - Should I retire?

Some years. I have been at it part-time and have referred out to others.

I have a cousin that has 'sold' it all. Lotions Potions air purifier, super juice, Primerica..... Year after year. The only money he made in insurance was when he worked under me. But, he went back to chasing the dream. Greatest guy I know. But still chasing.

If you personally have been chasing the dream for years why has it eluded you. Sounds like you understand the system. There has to be something.
I have a cousin that has 'sold' it all. Lotions Potions air purifier, super juice, Primerica..... Year after year. The only money he made in insurance was when he worked under me. But, he went back to chasing the dream. Greatest guy I know. But still chasing.

If you personally have been chasing the dream for years why has it eluded you. Sounds like you understand the system. There has to be something.

Not chasing any dream. It has mostly been about exposure. It has been about exposing people to something that no one has ever informed them about.

It was never about making boat loads of money. Now what's different today is mortality and legacy.

No one lives forever and there are many places to visit in the world. I'm getting mine and I just want to give others the same opportunity if that's something they may be interested in.

As for the business be it insurance and yes even LegalShield I've experienced some hmmm moments and yes seen or noticed some of the things Toolbox speaks of within the MLM industry but I look at the bigger picture.

For me the time is now.. As mentioned I study Art and have access to Hubert. For me a major is access to Hubert and his knowledge, experience, and his proven system.

I see first hand what incomes are being done so there's no pie in the sky or rah, rah stuff for me.

The main point for me with regards to the MLM part is I can bring along others with me. My upline is a former State Farm agent who ran his own office and was offered a contract and I'm sure you know carriers have departments for advanced cases so support isn't an issue..

At some point we all have to drop down our bucket where we are. My time is now..
Be humble and share..
but I look at the bigger picture.
Getting victims focused on the prize is exactly the goal of MLM, because while your focusing on the shiny object, they are reaching into your back pocket. I may be right or wrong however one can't argue with the annual reports, the Annual Income Disclosure Statements or the 60% annual churn rate of reps and recruits. I suppose its easy to get caught up in the earnings of the big earners, however you're not being recruited to replace them, but to feed them. Eventually people figure this out, but not before they've sent a little money up the corporate chain.
@pfg1 - own what you sell is not required, but it is an important factor. If you don't eat what you cook, how can you tell other people to eat it? Their MLM aka Networking Marketing model is just like many others. Not here to defend them. Networking Marketing is not for everyone. However, it is the only business model that will earn you a pretty darn good living if you are in the right organization. I dabbled a little bit with them for a few months so I can speak about their MO. I'm on the same page with you about the "work before the licensed thing .." that's just not right.

@MustangGT2000 - don't throw away the license. You can earn a pretty a good living with the right organization, the right leadership, and the right business model. I'd like to connect with you to chat further with you outside of this forum if you're up for it.
What is the average earnings in most sales professions. Here is something very important I learned from watching the Hector LeMarque interview with Grant Cardone.

People have the right to run their organizations as they see fit within company guidelines. Also the business isnt for everyone but anyone that qualifies should be given an opportunity.

Art Williams said there has never be a device invented hat can measure the heart of a man oe woman.

Hector while in PFS is high on Tom Hopkins sales training. Also he mentioned at this point in his life his PFS earnings are secondary as he has other investments.

He and others may be the few but what they did and do is possible but most won't do what they do.
If you get a chance go to and do a search on Hector La Marque..Power Players section..

A great interview. No it isnt any pro PFS fluff. He brings everything down to a business mindset.
I say whatever floats your boat and motivates you. They do want you to focus on the millionaires and their success. The reality at the end regardless who you know it's up to the individual to grow your team by recruiting. That is the only way you can keep the money flowing in. Nobody is going to help you at the end. You need to recruit people plain and simple. The top producers at my office making 500k and over started 10 to 15 years ago. They need fresh blood to keep the money rolling up the line. It's a numbers game and they know it. Recruit and recruit to get referrals.
At some point we all have to drop down our bucket where we are. My time is now..

How many times have you said that in your years in MLM?

An FE agent reached out to me last week. Fairly new, something like 5-7 years. He is averaging 50-60 policies a month. Online and Phone. Yeah, Yeah I know, Unicorn. Anyway, he is doing this on his own pen. Not some scheme to bring on a bunch of stary eyed plumbers and teachers aides looking to add $500 a week to their grocery budget. He controls his money and business. Not some one that boody calls him every month for $.

What makes today and this 'opportunity' different than the one last year, the year before that, or the one before that. Different superstar mentor?

You have been on this insurance forum for a while. Do you make a living on insurance? If not why would anyone follow you? Not a knock, real question. What do you bring to the table. Especially if you start them at some stupidly low comp.

I wish you well.
What is the average earnings in most sales professions.
More importantly, what is the median income in MLM. Hint; After all expenses are accounted for, and all involved are counted in arriving at the is well below $0.
Hector while in PFS is high on Tom Hopkins sales training.
Would it change your opinion any if you suddenly discovered he receives referral fees?
He and others may be the few but what they did and do is possible
Again, go out and try to sell Frisbees or Pet Rocks. It must be possible because it was accomplished in the past....right?
If you get a chance go to and do a search on Hector La Marque
Grant promotes Hector's work. Hector promotes Grant's seminars. Hmmmm, I don't see any way that could be you?