GoDaddy Website Tonight

I used Quotit to develop my website and am satisfied so far but I used Godaddy for domain names and it's been great!
In addition any critiques are welcome as I am am not a web designer.

Just few quick suggestions.

Your page title is displayed as the title in the snippet that appears on search engine results pages. A more descriptive title can help entice someone to choose to visit your site versus others that appear in the same search result. I would change the title on your Home Page from "Home Page" to something more descriptive, such as "Employee Benefit Specialists for Small to Medium Size Employers". I am not referring to the title on the menu, but on the page itself.

Also, you might want to think about changing the font color of your contact information. You have done great including your contact info on your home page, but the black color font is not easily read on the dark blue background.

I particularly like the content on your site, well written. It is short, concise, yet compelling. I would recommend bolding the states you are licensed in (first paragraph) and your area of expertise (small to medium size employers).
I'm considering GoDaddy's Website Tonight for a simple site. No quotes, calculators, etc. Just some info pages and video clips. I'll be sending people to the site rather than hoping people find me through SEO.

I've seen many comments pro and con. I'd appreciate opinions, experiences, and alternatives. Thanks.

Godaddy is fine. Here is my advice on creating the webpages:

The next logical question is, how to I design a web page?
Once again, web pages are just text documents with instructions built into them that tell the browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, whatever) what to display and how to display it. Pages can be simple or they can be very complicated. Guess what, we like simple.

Now if you were going to design a magazine ad, would you do it yourself or would you hire someone who knows how to do it? Likely the latter. That's why, I strongly recommend going to your local college or university and hiring a 2nd or 3rd year student to do the work for you. They are enthusiastic, need the money, and typically are very creative. But if you are one of those people that love to change their own brakes, here is a basic introductory to web page design:

Good luck with that.

Assuming that you have someone else design your web pages it is still a VERY GOOD IDEA to learn how to use the FTP. Why? Because you will want to back up the pages from your web site (the files on the server) to your own computer. You do that by copying the files from your server, to your computer, using the FTP. Let your developer develop, but make sure you back up what you pay him to do, from the server to your computer.

Here's another tip. Make sure EVERYTHING your developer is using for your website, is on your website, and not somewhere else. If your developer has something on their server, and you and the developer part company, then what you used on their server will be gone, which is going to really tick you off if you thought you had bought and paid for it.

Which brings up one last thing when retaining someone to design your website. You want to make absolutely certain that it is your mutual understanding that if you pay someone to design a web page for you, that it is YOUR webpage and not their webpage.

Think wedding photography.

Have you noticed a lot of people pay wedding photographers to photograph weddings, and then discover the photographer OWNS the negatives, meaning that if you want more copies of pictures, you have to pay the photographer an arm and a leg to get them. And you find out you are breaking copyright laws if you copy the pictures you already bought.

Believe it or not, when you hire a college student to do your web site pages, you will have no trouble reaching an agreement that the pages are YOUR pages. But if you pay some outfit hundreds or thousands of dollars to do your site, they will often argue that the pages belong to them. If you leave the relationship, you will have to start from scratch.
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Robert, thanks for the input. My purpose for the site is more informational than marketing, in that I plan to be sending people to the site rather than hoping I will be found in searches. I already have most of the content written, and now it's a matter of deciding on a template and some links.

On another note, I'm leaning towards doing my bio in the first person i.e. "I started in financial services" versus "Larry started in financial services". Thoughts?
On another note, I'm leaning towards doing my bio in the first person i.e. "I started in financial services" versus "Larry started in financial services". Thoughts?

Jimmy thinks that's Great. Jimmy thinks you should go for it. Jimmy knows what jimmy likes.
I just did my first drupal site! At Medicare Supplements from East Coast Medicare | Medicare Supplement Quotes and Medicare Advantage Plans and no its not quite Pangaea level its pretty impressive compared to my other wordpress forays. Its not official yet as I am still working on it and doing the verbiage and pics but threw it up and was pretty happy with the initial results. So if you are to criticize, ignore the pics and words! (The joke being that there won't be anything left to talk about :)
Joomla seems to just have better templates, but learning a new CMS is tantamount to understanding health care reform, or studying for your p and c test underwater.
AnMarie thanks for your input please elaborate on the snippet thing obviously I dont understand it. This was my first time ever building a site and I will take a look at making the changes you suggested.
as I stated before anyones comments and/or critiques are welcomed.
Robert, thanks for the input. My purpose for the site is more informational than marketing, in that I plan to be sending people to the site rather than hoping I will be found in searches. I already have most of the content written, and now it's a matter of deciding on a template and some links.

On another note, I'm leaning towards doing my bio in the first person i.e. "I started in financial services" versus "Larry started in financial services". Thoughts?

I think we all tend to over think web sites, because most people who visit them don't read every word, and don't critique the way that we do.

My inclination is keep it simple. Make sure that the most important stuff sticks out. Remember, most people are just surfing by.

People like pictures.