Goodbye Norvax, hello Quotit

These are the same old arguments about David & Goliath.

I put off making a decision for a few months while waiting on the Insurint thing. Finally got on board a few weeks ago and was so disappointed that I also responded to that mass email from quotit to try and get in on their "no sign up fee" thing.

Why do all of the smileys have jezus thorns or panty hose on their heads?

Oh where was I?

Oh yeah. Well after I finally realized that Quotit only has my main carrier in about 15 states (out of 42 they write business in) I decided to go look at norvax one more time (had them a couple of years ago and wasn't so pleased back then).

Long story short. I ended up dumping insurint and going with norvax. It has everything I need and that's all that matters I guess. Plus, they made me a deal that provides me with all of the states I need for about HALF of what quotit wanted. (It was quite fun to play them against each other).

Insurint has its place and I sure like everyone over there, but the system is slower than molasses. You basically have to do everything by hand if you want to send out quotes (they do NOT have availabilty for client direct quotes at this point) and it takes 30 seconds or longer to load EACH quote into the system to prepare for emailing, and that's AFTER you get to that stage.

You cannot select plans from a master list to include. You have to first select the plans to compare, then from that list, select plans to include in the emailed quotes, manually entering them one by one. Each quote was taking me 15 to 20 minutes to prepare. And I still had to go load up individual company software for the plans they don't carry (yet). And oh yeah, the main plan list for each company is ridiculously short. The max number of quotes you will ever see from Humana is something like 8. Maybe 10 from Aetna. Half a dozen to 10 from Assurant, etc. (although you can manually go in and requote Assurant, but you can only include ONE of the variable quotes you create within your email).

Supposedly, Insurint is all about agents who want to do online screen sharing and so forth, but still I don't see the advantage, especially when considering the dearth of plans available. For just a little more money, I was able to get virtually everything I needed at norvax, where one click does it all and gets me over 600 quotes at a time, without the limited state availability from quotit. So, it was the best available option for me at least at this point.

I would really love to see Insurint take over the market, believe me, but from what I have seen of the actual system at work, they are light years away from being user friendly enough to attract a large enough audience to be a viable player.

While we appreciate the look, some of the information above is simply not accurate. Were you ever a user of Insurint, or did you just receive a demo? We have not had anyone sign up a few weeks ago then quit...
Please private-mail me, I would love to hear all of your input and make sure it tracks to the things we have either corrected this week (e.g. a speed issue), or are on the docket for addition soon (e.g. consumer quoting). Also, I am conducting a user survey and would like to include your responses. If you are in fact a past user of Insurint, your feedback is especially important.
Anything wrong with Insurint WILL BE CORRECTED, and much more quickly than you may think. Sales software is all we do. No leads, no sales, no consumer site gathering leads using a quote engine as bait. We are committed to becoming the best sales software on the market for multi-line sales (ind major med as a flagship).
Thank you very much for your thoughtful comments about our product.
- Mark
Health connect is trying to get me to sign up with them to change my quoting engine to theirs for individual medical in Georgia.

Anybody using Health connect for there quoting engine?
There is nothing on the market better than Norvax for features, price, etc., etc., Quotit has a good presentation but there is a lot I do with Norvax I could not do with Quotit - I wouldn't consider it for the advanced user unless they made major changes I am unaware of (advanced queries, data mining, carrier direct applications, import / export, etc., etc.,).

I enjoy competition but right now Norvax is ahead by a long shot in my opinion.
There is nothing on the market better than Norvax for features, price, etc., etc., Quotit has a good presentation but there is a lot I do with Norvax I could not do with Quotit - I wouldn't consider it for the advanced user unless they made major changes I am unaware of (advanced queries, data mining, carrier direct applications, import / export, etc., etc.,).

I enjoy competition but right now Norvax is ahead by a long shot in my opinion.

I just switched over from Norvax and I have to say that quotit is far more superior than Norvax on many levels. And quotit does do all the things you listed here.
Norvax usually has an advantage when one works multiple states. Beyond that, Quotit is superior in my opinion.
One thing I tend to take advantage of, without thinking about it, is how Norvax can insert a current quote in each email with the auto-responder.

Can Quotit do that? I couldn't tell when I was looking at the product.
Quotit does not have that capability and I have not found it to be a hindrance. But if the original link that went out with their proposal is available, they can scroll to the bottom and update their quote, including adding/deleting family members, correcting DOB and view a new quote for select effective dates.

Advantage Norvax.
Quotit does not have that capability and I have not found it to be a hindrance. But if the original link that went out with their proposal is available, they can scroll to the bottom and update their quote, including adding/deleting family members, correcting DOB and view a new quote for select effective dates.

This is beyond silly to email out outs based on static information without dynamically changing quotes. Unless I am not understanding?
While we appreciate the look, some of the information above is simply not accurate. Were you ever a user of Insurint, or did you just receive a demo? We have not had anyone sign up a few weeks ago then quit...
Please private-mail me, I would love to hear all of your input and make sure it tracks to the things we have either corrected this week (e.g. a speed issue), or are on the docket for addition soon (e.g. consumer quoting). Also, I am conducting a user survey and would like to include your responses. If you are in fact a past user of Insurint, your feedback is especially important.
Anything wrong with Insurint WILL BE CORRECTED, and much more quickly than you may think. Sales software is all we do. No leads, no sales, no consumer site gathering leads using a quote engine as bait. We are committed to becoming the best sales software on the market for multi-line sales (ind major med as a flagship).
Thank you very much for your thoughtful comments about our product.
- Mark

How about an address label printing feature?