Got a question about cancelations

Not at $25. I've just always had a $20 min.
Like you, I've had a $20 minimum, unless there are other policies in the same house. My minimum has been partly driven by my roots in home service. A monthly collection of $20 is barely worth doing. And it seems like the small premium cases are the ones you have to chase, where the larger premium clients will often have it ready and waiting for you.
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There is a reason most companies no longer allow monthly direct bill. It has the worst persistency. Compound that with not getting payment upfront and you are just spinning your wheels.

And yes, everyone needs a minimum they won't go below. It really is true, the smallest premiums will be your biggest headaches. While the big ones hurt when they lapse, they rarely do.
I missed the direct bill part. Were these little policies direct bill too? Talk about a waste of time!!

Not direct bill. There were two child policies and she paid the first month then stopped. Perhaps it was a medical issue. The huge problem was the gender identity, proving two different names were for the same person. We did get that resolved and the policy did issue.

Great advice all, much appreciated.
Not direct bill. There were two child policies and she paid the first month then stopped. Perhaps it was a medical issue. The huge problem was the gender identity, proving two different names were for the same person. We did get that resolved and the policy did issue.

Great advice all, much appreciated.

Not direct bill. There were two child policies and she paid the first month then stopped. Perhaps it was a medical issue. The huge problem was the gender identity, proving two different names were for the same person. We did get that resolved and the policy did issue.

Great advice all, much appreciated.

Just curious how it was resolved. Name change is not normally to big of an issue. Did you use a unisex carrier? Was the policy issued the birth gender?

I had one and the policy was issued with the birth gender (male) rates and printed Female in the policy.
She is about 14 and Grandma had an existing policy under her male name. Not only was she changing her first name and sex but also changed her last name to her mothers. They insisted the policy be issued in her chosen gender, which is required in this state. MoO was the carrier and they needed proof from the court and permission from the parent. There was a question whether or not Grandma was the owner of the other policy, even though she was making the monthly payments. They wanted massive documentation so she decided to just stop paying and let the policy lapse.

This was my third sale and a real learning experience.
She is about 14 and Grandma had an existing policy under her male name. Not only was she changing her first name and sex but also changed her last name to her mothers. They insisted the policy be issued in her chosen gender, which is required in this state. MoO was the carrier and they needed proof from the court and permission from the parent. There was a question whether or not Grandma was the owner of the other policy, even though she was making the monthly payments. They wanted massive documentation so she decided to just stop paying and let the policy lapse.

This was my third sale and a real learning experience.

So crazy. I've only had one occasion to deal with this, but I imagine the closer you are to Cali, the crazier things you have to deal with.

In my situation it was a mother picking her son as the bene even though he was crazy and thought he was a girl. He hadn't changed his name. So I told her to put his birth name and son on the app.

Sometimes you just have to take control of the situation and tell them how it will have to be. If they're militant about their mental disorder, I would just walk.
She is about 14 and Grandma had an existing policy under her male name. Not only was she changing her first name and sex but also changed her last name to her mothers. They insisted the policy be issued in her chosen gender, which is required in this state. MoO was the carrier and they needed proof from the court and permission from the parent. There was a question whether or not Grandma was the owner of the other policy, even though she was making the monthly payments. They wanted massive documentation so she decided to just stop paying and let the policy lapse.

This was my third sale and a real learning experience.
This P.C. BS has gone way too far. A 14 year old kid isn't old enough to make a decision like that.

I just read where kids as young as 6 years old are wanting to change their gender. Any Dr. that encourages that ought to have their gender changed for them. P.C. is ruining the country. The minority rules. What's wrong with that picture? :mad: