Has Direct Mail Slowed Down???

I am just getting back into the business. My primary areas worked about going to be SC, GA, and NC. What's the deal with the low return in the south east? Is this a historical average of just your personal experience?
Georgia has had a reputation of being a tough direct mail state for several years. Have no idea why but it has nothing to do with any recent occurrences.
I'm a very heavy door knocker

Door knocking is a great way to lose weight!

Do they mail different colored cards?

This time I am mailing a mortgage protection piece which are letters, and I do not believe there is a color choice.

For their post card type mailers, I believe the choices are white, pink, yellow, green, blue and gold. I usually use pink, yellow, and green.

will they send you the hard copy's weekly?

They do mail the hard copies weekly for an additional $10/order.

How much are they per 1000? Lead concepts is up to $520/1000 which is very steep and lead connections is $470-$490 /1000

I have not mailed an FE Piece in about a year and a half. When I was mailing FE, I was getting $415/1000 +$10 for the hard copies. This was a special price for agents contracted direct to Columbian. I do not know if this special still exists, and I believe it was only for FE mailers.

Again, for this mailing I am using a MP letter for this particular mailing and it is $594/1000 + $10 to get the response card (unless that has changed).

I am finalizing the order with my rep on Monday morning so it stops drops on Friday so I will ask some questions and report back here after I speak with her.

I do not shop mail houses. Knock on wood every time I've used MS Powermail I get 5-15 cards back /1000 and sell three times or more premium cold knocking the non-responders as I do the responders. To me, I mail 1000 pieces, I have 1000 leads whether the person fills it out and mail it back or not.
I also would like to try an MP piece offered by @HoosierLife but I am waiting to find out if I get the mailing list and a seed card. I need the list, aka "the Glengarry Leads."

I always get a seed card from MS Powermail but I explicitly ask for it. I have no idea if they charge me for the seed card or not, but it is very important to me to have that card (laminated) when I knock the doors of those who did NOT respond.
I also would like to try an MP piece offered by @HoosierLife but I am waiting to find out if I get the mailing list and a seed card. I need the list, aka "the Glengarry Leads."

I always get a seed card from MS Powermail but I explicitly ask for it. I have no idea if they charge me for the seed card or not, but it is very important to me to have that card (laminated) when I knock the doors of those who did NOT respond.

I understand why you door knock all the doors on the list . But as we both know as avid door knockers its time consuming and very grindy. But for me personally time is my biggest asset and I'd rather knock people that had mailed the card back. No doubt you'll get a lot of gold out of knocking all but you have to go threw so many non interested to find the interested. With the card i get in 80% of the homes that answer the door. But i do knock all the names on the list I'd definitely use a pink or yellow card as they might recall it. If return rates stay low i might start knocking some names off the list .
For better returns, I suggest
1. Don't mail the same area (zip codes) more than once per quarter
2. Use a different card each time you mail
3. Use different ages and income each time you mail
3. Get on Fixed cost leads "like I have been saying for 7 years now" lol
Returns will ALWAYS continue to dwindle, month after month, year after year
Doug I agree but some places you can't get fixed cost or even threw an Rgi the IMO can and will "carve" out the agent in the tough area as to not affect his overall price for all his agents .Example I know a guy in Greenville ,Sc that pays $43 a lead with Rgi under an IMO .Now if your a good producer an IMO might eat $10 of that with a 115-120% contract .No magic to fixed cost . One reason Rgi can do it is with their "technology ".They keep track of who responds to their mailers and target them on a remail thus it increases the response rate . But you as an agent that works 10-15 county's yr in and yr out will start noticing 2-3 repeat cards or your clients already every 15 cards .No ones disputing fixed cost the best .
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