Health Sherpa 2016 Open Enrollment

Hi AllenChicago,

Changes are pushed and live on the proper list view from the comparison page link on a saved lead.


CAT -- Big THANKS to you and the Engineering team for SPEEDILY fixing the Retrieval of Saved Leads! The format of retrieved lead quotes is now purrrfect.


It seems from your post you are attempting to rewrite a policy applied for, but not yet in force, I can't say how the AOR impacts your situation. Just telling you how GR handled AOR. Not recognized until the 13th month the policy was in force.

Well I will know in a few days as I did a three-way with my client and pulled out. We then threw a new app in the system with my number all over it. It was hard, but not as hard as I expected it to be considering it was a three-way involving the exchange and my client. Hopefully I'll have the baby in my UHC crib in a few days. :1cool:
I did a three-way with my client and pulled out.

Just a warning, someone (not me of course) will jump on that and take it in a different direction.

And I hope your "baby" arrives as expected ..............
Well I will know in a few days as I did a three-way with my client and pulled out. We then threw a new app in the system with my number all over it. It was hard, but not as hard as I expected it to be considering it was a three-way involving the exchange and my client. Hopefully I'll have the baby in my UHC crib in a few days. :1cool:

Doesn't it typically take 9 months for the baby to be born? If you just had the three-way it's a little early to expect the baby to be here so soon. And considering you pulled out, there may be no baby at all.
winter is coming early to Wisconsin this year. He's just getting into the right frame of mind for the indoor parties.
Health Sherpa is still showing FAMILY deductibles & MOOP's.

Simple (agent) side = FAMILY figures for more-than-2-family members
Consumer side = FAMILY deductible for more-than-2 family members

Run-a-Quote for 1 person = Individual Ded & MOOP
Run-a-Quote for 2 in family = Individual Ded & MOOP.....Thank goodness!!!
Run-a-Quote for 3 in family = FAMILY Ded & MOOP

HELLO HEALTH SHERPA-- (Re: TxOnline's Info Above)

You're showing the Individual Deductible/OOP on the quotes for 2 people, but not for 3 or more. Three or more is still showing a FAMILY deductible for each plan on the quote listing. Is this something that CMS is forcing you to do? If not, PLEASE show the Individual Deductible/OOP. The prospect/client can see the family deductible when they open the SOB by clicking the Benefits Tab. The current display is confusing families. I'll also send this request to you via e-mail. Thanx!


How is everyone answering this question on the Health Sherpa application for people who have health insurance right now? Technically, Obamacare IFP people don't have 2016 coverage.

"Existing Coverage:

Does this person already have coverage for 2016?

• Yes

No "

I think this said "2015" yesterday?