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HealthSherpa is no longer accepting applications for 1/1/2016 effective date due to technical issues with
Because the Marketplace is currently unable to accept applications reliably, they have given us the ability to place your pending applications "in-line" for a 1/1 effective date. In-line customers must call the Marketplace by December 31, 2015 to enroll for coverage effective 1/1/2016. HealthSherpa will submit all unarchived pending applications for 1/1 coverage to the "in-line" list at at midnight Pacific Time (3am EST) TONIGHT. While we will submit your NPN with your customers' names, we strongly suggest that you follow the process below to ensure that you receive credit for their enrollment.
Customers placed in-line must call the Marketplace no later than December 31, 2015 and state that they were on the "in-line" list and would like to apply for coverage effective 1/1/2016.
How to get your In-Line Consumers Through for a 1/1/2016 Effective Date •You and your consumer call TOGETHER at 800-318-2596.
•Have the consumer state that they are on the "in-line" list and would like to apply for coverage effective 1/1/2016.
•When the Marketplace representative asks about who is assisting the consumer, make sure you provide your name and NPN.
•You MUST make this call to no later than December 31, 2015.
•Archive the application on your HealthSherpa dashboard after the call.
If you have received an "Enrollment Confirmation" from HealthSherpa for a consumer, they are enrolled and this message does not apply to them.
Team HealthSherpa
Because the Marketplace is currently unable to accept applications reliably, they have given us the ability to place your pending applications "in-line" for a 1/1 effective date. In-line customers must call the Marketplace by December 31, 2015 to enroll for coverage effective 1/1/2016. HealthSherpa will submit all unarchived pending applications for 1/1 coverage to the "in-line" list at at midnight Pacific Time (3am EST) TONIGHT. While we will submit your NPN with your customers' names, we strongly suggest that you follow the process below to ensure that you receive credit for their enrollment.
Customers placed in-line must call the Marketplace no later than December 31, 2015 and state that they were on the "in-line" list and would like to apply for coverage effective 1/1/2016.
How to get your In-Line Consumers Through for a 1/1/2016 Effective Date •You and your consumer call TOGETHER at 800-318-2596.
•Have the consumer state that they are on the "in-line" list and would like to apply for coverage effective 1/1/2016.
•When the Marketplace representative asks about who is assisting the consumer, make sure you provide your name and NPN.
•You MUST make this call to no later than December 31, 2015.
•Archive the application on your HealthSherpa dashboard after the call.
If you have received an "Enrollment Confirmation" from HealthSherpa for a consumer, they are enrolled and this message does not apply to them.
Team HealthSherpa