TXOnline: If they are submitting their own apps and they are current clients these must be reenrolls? What about them canceling their current plans if they chose a new one? How are you handling that with them? What if they choose a crap plan where you know their Doc doesnt work with the plan but they blindly chose it anyway cuz its cheaper? What then? Not trying to dog you, trying to understand your methods.
Most of my business is existing clients.
I'm doing ALL of the research for them or with them using the HealthSherpa platform.
I'll ensure that old plan is cancelled (AFTER new policy IS in their hands).
NONE of them WILL make a bad decision (about coverage or network).
I've done that research FOR them in many cases.
The rest (the easier ones) do that research WITH me over-the-phone.
We're BOTH looking at the HealthSherpa screen together (over the phone).
I direct them to the right spots.
Then, I say:
Just click "Enroll" & fill out your app.
And, call me if you get stuck.
I spend 30 minutes to 3 hours doing research for my clients!
There is NO way I'll let them pick a plan that doesn't include their must-have doctors/hospitals, etc.
They totally understand HMO's (if that's the right plan for THEM) before they fill out the app!
Etc, etc, etc.
I've already spent 30 minutes (to an hour) on the phone with these clients (before picking out the right plan/choices for/with them).
This IS taking me HOURS per client (on average)!
But, HealthSherpa is SAVING me at least an hour (with their FAST, simple, EASY app)!
Doing a HC.gov app takes me (or them) forever (with conversation going on WHILE we fill in the blanks).
I'm working day & night. The research (and talking on the phone answering questions/explaining) is taking a lot of time. But, that's MY mode-of-operation. I can't just throw my clients to the wolves. Never have. Never will.
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