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That's what you wanted to hear, not necessarily what you needed to hear. If you're not booked up all day every day, you should be calling on people you didn't close. Things change, people have bad days. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be selective about it.
1) They should be nice
2) They should have a legitimate need that has to be addressed eventually.
3) You should feel in your gut that there's business there to be written.
If you hit those three things, you ask them if you can follow up. If they agree, I would call them in 3 months and then 6 months after that and then 6 months after that. That's 3 follow-ups over a year and 3 months. Then tell them that you're not going to be calling again and if they want an honest agent to help walk them through what they need, now is the time.
I've written some of my biggest cases off of people that needed to be followed up with. I followed up with one guy for 2 years because I knew he had money and a need. Just wrote a $23,000 case this past August on him.
To reiterate...follow up unless you're busy all day every day and have no free time.
Edited to add: I just realized that you were talking about FE leads. My business is Life Insurance (which can include FE, but doesn't necessarily). Also, follow ups are done over the phone. The only time I go BACK out is if they're buying.
I agree. Once you get to the point where you consistently write $4-5000 every week, you will be busy enough that you won't need to chase the most difficult cases by following up. I'll also add that when you become more successful, people will sense it and realize that your time is too valuable. They won't put you off as frequently because they know you aren't going to give them a 2nd chance. There's your abundance theory.
With that said, enough real experience meeting with people will enable you to tell inside of 10-15 minutes if the person is going to do something today, wants to do something today and can't for a real reason or is probably never going to do something and is just wasting your time. Until you get experienced enough to tell for yourself, the responses you get here aren't going to help you sell more policies today so get out and do whatever it takes to get in front of the people you think want to fix a problem they have, right now.
Don't over complicate things.