How Long Will You Chase a Lead?

I try many different strategies when it comes to working final expense leads. What are the best ways back in the door if you couldn't close the first time? I always here there's no money in 'be backs'. Any tips on working this market of people who don't seem to give a shiz?

I have many agents that will just keep stopping by if they are working other "interested leads" in the same area as the blow offs. Eventually I would say about 40% of those blow off leads will convert down the road.
I have many agents that will just keep stopping by if they are working other "interested leads" in the same area as the blow offs. Eventually I would say about 40% of those blow off leads will convert down the road.[/

40% that's pretty high
Pretty accurate number that we experience. Not really sure how you saying its totally wrong could be any more accurate than me saying its right.

Because almost 11 years experience as alife insurance agent and 6 years specializing in FE gives me full knowledge that it's wrong.

You are obviously clueless about selling FE as is evidenced by your other posts. Also the ridiculous offering of companies for FE that you tout is just further proof that you are clueless.

That's how what I said is more accurate.