How's my Theme?

If the theme has built in tagging (manual or automatic) for KW, meta, titles, etc then you can lose that by switching themes. There are plugins to handle some of that so might not be a total loss.
It's a decent start. If your theme doesn't have SEO features built in I'd suggest the Wordpress SEO plugin (by Yoast) or the headspace plugin.

If the site is the main site for your agency I'd also suggest making a video to put below the header where you currently have the main image with a contact or quote form just to the right. A good video and have a tremendous impact on rankings and conversions both. If you do this be sure to host the video on YouTube - it is the 2nd biggest search engine next to Google so it matters.

If you do decide to changes themes I can second ThemeForest.
If you want to try and customize things I'd recommend starting with a theme that has a lot of design flexibility like Catalyst, Thesis or Atahualpa (which is free). :)
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Ok check it out Life Insurance for Hoosiers | Term Life, Critical Illness, Burial Insurance and Medicare Supplement QuotesLife Insurance for Hoosiers | Term Life, Critical Illness, Burial Insurance and Medicare Supplement Quotes Is there anything you would add/remove from the quote form?
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Well as I try and work that out let me ask you another question. Which sounds better for a tag line? "Lowest Premiums for Term Life...etc" or "Term Life...Medicare supplement quotes"?

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Life Insurance for Hoosiers | Lowest Premiums for Term Life, Critical Illness, Burial Insurance and Medicare Supplement QuotesLife Insurance for Hoosiers | Lowest Premiums for Term Life, Critical Illness, Burial Insurance and Medicare Supplement Quotes
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It could be a number of things. This would be part of the "savings" of doing it yourself.
it's nothing we will be able to see in the source code, prob a problem in the functions php file, just use another theme, would be the most cost effective option.