I created a (FE agents only group) on Facebook

camaraderie, fun, and learning with only people in the exact same side of the business as you, was the intention.

Being popular for congeniality... sure maybe, but not using my real name was inevitable because people want to know if the person running the show is someone that they can trust or someone with a bad reputation.

And until you prove otherwise the three admins in this group have proven to be of their word.

If someone contacts me wanting to join my group sure I might take them. But the point is I'm not reaching out to them nor was it the intention of the group because there's many other agents in the group with their picture as their logo like wfg or PHP.

What people choose to do is on them
Fair enough!
So you're saying nobody can possibly know more than you, or achieve goals that you can't fathom, so you call it spew. well you and Josh do call yourselves the Masters or I'm sorry mastery... to each their own I guess.

but it does sound a little bit like you're a bottleneck and have a closed mind to better ideas

Aren't you the same one that just earlier in this thread indicated that an agent can not master more than one product and certainly not at the same time? I think you also said you didn't know anyone that was a $200K per year producer that did more than one product?

You should hang around different people then. If you did hang around those that were actually able to proficiently sell more than one product then you would know that your statement isn't true at all. I know, you're only regurgitating what Travis and JD have taught you, but I'm telling you that it just isn't true. The only reason Travis and JD say those things is because that is what they do. Contrary to JD's own beliefs, he does not know even a 10th of the heavy hitters out there. Have you not figured out that no matter what, Travis' way is the "only" way....or so that's what they would want you to believe. So far, their spew is working well on you.
Aren't you the same one that just earlier in this thread indicated that an agent can not master more than one product and certainly not at the same time? I think you also said you didn't know anyone that was a $200K per year producer that did more than one product?

You should hang around different people then. If you did hang around those that were actually able to proficiently sell more than one product then you would know that your statement isn't true at all. I know, you're only regurgitating what Travis and JD have taught you, but I'm telling you that it just isn't true. The only reason Travis and JD say those things is because that is what they do. Contrary to JD's own beliefs, he does not know even a 10th of the heavy hitters out there. Have you not figured out that no matter what, Travis' way is the "only" way....or so that's what they would want you to believe. So far, their spew is working well on you.
you're misquoting me. if you're going to quote me quote me right LOL.

I said I do know a handful that do health and life and are successful at it.

I personally don't recommend it for a new agent unless he already came from the health side to do final expense it's harder when that's backwards and he's not a seasoned final expense agent.

What I said about the having a better idea is what I've seen on this forum which is why many people don't return to it.

Anytime someone proposes a better process of doing something that doesn't agree with what someone else teaches it automatically gets bashed and regarded as spew and lies. That's what I meant.

Seems to be a very close minded few that drive everyone away from this group. dinosaurs set in their ways I like to stay open minded to new ideas
Jose, I am well aware of the words you said. Here they are again if anyone wants to re-read it:
"Stick to one thing Master it make 200k in a year. then if you want to add Health go for it.
There's only a handful of Agents I know can do both and everybody in that hand full wrights over 200k in FE as their bread and butter, health is just extra."

You are still talking about being an FE producer who just writes a little "health" when it jumps up and smacks them in the face. This is not what I'm trying to say. I'm talking about the guys that know how to target a particular product and ALSO successfully cross-sell on a consistent basis. Scott would be the only one at FEX that would even come close to being able to do this.

You only know a handful because you don't hang around the agents that do sell multiple products.

JD is famous for calling out the "one trick ponies", but little does he understand that's all he is. He sells FE and puts a few other products here and there when it's presented to him. Hell, he's such a one trick pony that he won't even go out of his way to ask for referrals! He says he gets them but doesn't ask for them. That's a shame. But to each his own. I've even seen JD take his claim so far as to make one believe that you just CAN'T learn more than one thing at once. He's just so wrong about that, but he'll never understand that he is.

So, I still say you should stop regurgitating what Travis and JD have tried to teach you about that.
Jose, I am well aware of the words you said. Here they are again if anyone wants to re-read it:
"Stick to one thing Master it make 200k in a year. then if you want to add Health go for it.
There's only a handful of Agents I know can do both and everybody in that hand full wrights over 200k in FE as their bread and butter, health is just extra."

Yes that's what I said. are you saying you think the new agent should be learning both right from the start?
Yes that's what I said. are you saying you think the new agent should be learning both right from the start?

No, not every agent. I try my best not to make blanket statements. There are many who could, would, and should though. The problem with that is that you won't know until you try it.
you're misquoting me. if you're going to quote me quote me right LOL.

I said I do know a handful that do health and life and are successful at it.

I personally don't recommend it for a new agent unless he already came from the health side to do final expense it's harder when that's backwards and he's not a seasoned final expense agent.

What I said about the having a better idea is what I've seen on this forum which is why many people don't return to it.

Anytime someone proposes a better process of doing something that doesn't agree with what someone else teaches it automatically gets bashed and regarded as spew and lies. That's what I meant.

Seems to be a very close minded few that drive everyone away from this group. dinosaurs set in their ways I like to stay open minded to new ideas
What new ideas? What I have heard you "preach" is the same ol', same ol'.. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I certainly have not seen anything new. It is still exactly the same that "Burial" insurance agents were doing in the 80s.