I created a (FE agents only group) on Facebook

Josh, this isn't a fex group. Most of the members currently are not fex people. The most frequent contributors are a guy from Orca and a guy who leads with GPM and has contracts with 5 different IMOs.

I would not know what your group is like anymore because you or Brandon decided to kick me out when you left EFES. I was a little surprised because I was a pretty regular contributor to your group and, given that I have known you and been friendly with you for 5 years now, I sort of assumed I was welcome. On top of that, I agree that cross selling Medicare is a good idea. So. I'm not sure what happened. Maybe it was a mistake? Hard to say.

Maybe Brandon thought I was an EFES guy because I posted a lot?
Our group has almost 3000 people in it. We don't have 3000 in our downline (yet). I used to believe in the FEX philosophy. Now ours is a little different.

You can't grow a 7 figure business that way. Well unless you're Scott or Travis that is.

Kskj and trinity are great companies. But only if you want stay a single agent. I know it's an unpopular opinion with the more self-righteous crowd that thinks we are evil if don't offer our clients the lowest price policy out there.

But I would rather teach an agent how to produce $200k and then stop personally producing to replicate himself 20x over.

In that sense, yes, our group is targeting different individuals. I'm targeting entrepreneurs not just agents anymore. If they have no desire to build, we can still bring them on, but not writing the low spread carrier.

Those are yours Jose. We're not trying to build by addition anymore. We're growing by multiplication.

Life is about balance. And I think there is a model that takes the ("evil") building strategies of the NAAs, Symmetry's, FFLs of the world, but with much higher comp, support, training and consistent lead flow.

Most agents get out there for a few years, kill it and then want to build. Just the nature of the biz. I'd rather them come our way with much better comp and resources than the aforementioned IMOs.

So there it is. Koolaid with some extra sugar.
How dare you want to make more than a 5% spread on your agents. It's almost like you're running a business or something.