IMOs creating their own leads / owning their own lead company

Greg I swear that exact same word for word theory has been pitched to ever since I started in 1996. Every Senior has been sold there are too many agents. The cost of postage is WAY too high. Insurance companies are pulling out of the biz. Everyone is going cremation. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Yet back then, those of us that were killing it were writing $3,000 to $4,000 in a week and thinking we were a special breed. Now it's not uncommon for agents getting 20 to 30 direct mail leads a week to put up $5,000 to $10,000 of premium in a week. And so many more are putting up the 2 to 4 grand that you could never count them all.

I'm sure TV leads can be good. Senior Life's look like they are good. But anyone that is struggling with direct mail isn't going to make it with any other lead.

Sometimes it's not the arrow, it's the archery enthusiast.

I agree with what you say if the # of FE carriers per 1000 FE prospects was the same today as back then. Today there are many more carriers per 1000 prospects.

Using your premise, how do you account for lower and lower FE DM response rates as the years go by? Especially since the # of FE prospects is touted to grow larger each year?

With that being said there are many agents that are killing it in FE with DM. And that's with all kinds of leads with all kinds of wording. If some agents prefer to "life insurance" on the DM card then they'll love the directness of TV leads.

I'm just partial towards TV leads.
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10,000 in 2 days off 6-7 month old DM in a market I've never been in. I'm not having any issued working or getting leads.

That's outstanding! If you write $10k in 2 days then you could write $20k in 4 days. Hmmmmm....that equates to 1million per year in personal production. What's your secret?
My current IMO has been through several lead companies in the last year and the quality continues to deteriorate. Does anyone know of an IMO who generates their own leads or owns their own lead company? I am hoping that there is an option with higher consistency and quality.
I know The Alliance has their own Direct Mail leads printing and mailing house. Give them a call! They would love to hear from you!
If anyone is in FE telesales, DigitalBGA generates our own leads and can see the performance in real-time since all leads are worked within our technology. We spot +/- lead performance trends immediately and optimize accordingly. It's still incredible to me that no one else takes this basic call-center strategy to market for independent agents.