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First, it's so easy to dig up a bunch of places to request a quote from on Google, it's no surprise Internet leads are full of tire kickers. In just a few minutes, I can find 10 sites to get insurance quotes from. There's very little commitment on the part of the prospect, which encourages them to go price shopping.
Now, add to the mix the fact that lead generators usually get paid per lead. Their incentive is to get as many leads through their door as possible because more leads = more money for them.
This leads agents with three choices:
1. Try to play the volume game, responding to as many internet leads as possible as fast as possible.
2. Create your own leads.
3. Track down the lead providers with the best leads through expensive trial and error.
The standard rule for lead generation online is to make it as easy as possible for a prospect to request a quote. While that makes for good usability, I have a feeling it makes for bad leads and tire kickers.
For those of you focusing on Internet leads, what do you think are things you (or a lead generator) can do on a website to improve the quality of each lead? Do you think providing more educational content improves the lead? Making your request-a-quote more complicated so the prospect has to work a little bit?
Now, add to the mix the fact that lead generators usually get paid per lead. Their incentive is to get as many leads through their door as possible because more leads = more money for them.
This leads agents with three choices:
1. Try to play the volume game, responding to as many internet leads as possible as fast as possible.
2. Create your own leads.
3. Track down the lead providers with the best leads through expensive trial and error.
The standard rule for lead generation online is to make it as easy as possible for a prospect to request a quote. While that makes for good usability, I have a feeling it makes for bad leads and tire kickers.
For those of you focusing on Internet leads, what do you think are things you (or a lead generator) can do on a website to improve the quality of each lead? Do you think providing more educational content improves the lead? Making your request-a-quote more complicated so the prospect has to work a little bit?