Internet Tire Kickers

I wonder how many agent know they are buying leads that go to up to 3 other lead companies (who are selling multiple times) and Ehealth?

I will buy those leads.

For $1
While I agree with that in theory, that is my choice not to deal with companies with this setup. It doesn't appear they are hiding this, as it is very obvious.

No fraud, just my choice not to deal with that setup.
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That's always been my point with 4freequotes, they don't do things underhanded, or say something and then do something else.

I don't buy health leads from them, but for the most part, the leads they send are at least shopping for insurance, and acknowledge you rather than yelling at you.

I wish I could get more quantity, but then quality would suffer.

Its funny that with the advent of the the internet and how we can do business online in so many ways, that not only do we need to keep up with our insurance business, we have to become more savy as internet marketers, and internet marketing consumers.

Man, someone once told me this would be easy!:mad:
At the end of the 4freequotes form they send the consumer to not ONE, not TWO, but THREE lead companies AND Ehealth.

Their President (Owner) has trolled this Board in the past. Just recently, I asked him about the three lead companies and EHealth links. He did not answer my question.

His reasoning was that he did not feel it was appropriate that I printed some of his comments on this Forum last year.
These comments were in an email I received from him, and he stated he preferred not to communicate any further.

Perhaps someone else can ask him about the links, and he'll be kind enough to respond. He responded to my inquiry in less than 12 hours.

The contents of this post were my one would assume.
Their President (Owner) has trolled this Board in the past. Just recently, I asked him about the three lead companies and EHealth links. He did not answer my question.

Some months back, I tried to contact them about perhaps trying some of their (4freequotes) leads.

After leaving about four voicemails, a guy called me back making some lame excuses and blaming his wife for him not getting the message(s).

I won't do business with clowns - I've found hat if the service is poor, the leads usually are too. Quality vendors provide a quality product - and quality service to go along with it.

On a side note...

Selling to three other lead providers is obviously a problem, but as I've posted before some of my best ROI comes from leads with an ehealth link/redirect, and some of my worst came from a sight that didn't have one.

Go figure.
some of my best ROI comes from leads with an ehealth link/redirect, and some of my worst came from a sight that didn't have one.

I think mostly it depends on who you seek out and how you are perceived. Most agents seem to think those who are the fastest to dial and talk the most will win.

I'm sure they pick up some clients that I don't.

My approach is different by design. I try to help them make a decision on their own by giving information in ways that is helpful. I don't pressure anyone and don't cram them in to something just to make a sale.

Prospects sense and appreciate that I am different. Even the ones I do not sell many times will refer others to me.

No doubt there are good & bad quality leads, and who knows if the vendor is being straight up with you or not? I just fired a long time vendor because they were charging me for filters then refused to give me credit. Made a lame excuse that their job was to give me at least one family member who is insurable.

That stuff doesn't fly with me.

I don't have a problem with an eHealth button. It's not like they are a big secret but they are not a competitor either.

They have their business model, I have mine.

Theirs works for them, mine works for me.