It's doorhanger season!

By the way, I was also on campaigns where we hired kids to do it for us.

VERY unreliable. You must follow-up with them and drive around neighborhoods just "checking-up" on them and making sure there are actually doorhangers on doors.
For me doorhangers are a no-lose proposition. I love getting out for an hour or two just to be out of the office. I hit it in the morning before I make calls so it's not taking anything away from my work day. It wouldn't really matter to me how long it took to put up all 10,000. They only cost $300 and just one deal more than pays for itself.
By the way, I was also on campaigns where we hired kids to do it for us.

VERY unreliable. You must follow-up with them and drive around neighborhoods just "checking-up" on them and making sure there are actually doorhangers on doors.

Yep. Tried it. Hired a few kids once and thought I could make a living off doorhangers. What a train wreck.
Interesting concept. How often do you go back to the same area and rehang the doorhangers?

I know there are about a dozen realtors that drop stuff on my doorstep monthly, along with assorted gardeners and handymen. I do look at this more than I look at the 3 lbs of junkmail that I pull out of the mailbox, which is placed in the recycle bin without even getting a good look through.

I hit the same areas twice a year. That beats getting hit with the same pizza hangers and Chinese menus once a week. For me it's effective; one deal per 1,000 placed.