Lets Get to Some Facts About Telesales

You don't know what you're taking about. Tell me your real experience in final expense telesales that makes you all knowing.

See, I know what I'm talking about because I was successful in the field and now doing the same on the phone.

The reason I bring up JD is because over the past few months you trail and talk just like him.

It kind of reminds of that cartoon with the big bull dog and the little dog following him around? Lol

This thread is getting way of track as usual. Alls I see is the same old hear-say on what others have said but haven't done. If anyone has tried it, it's been dabbling. We all know dabbling never has been successful.

Let me know too what I've lied about here. See, I could sit here and use your response but so far, your communication in this thread has wasted most of my time. It's nothing but childish banter. Which is typical when you seem to jump onto my threads. It's so weird.

We are trying to determine the facts about FE telesales and not from a recruiter. So far, that is the fact. We have nobody yet to come in here and say how FE telesales is doing for them.

The main FE telesales agents that make a half way decent living are hourly workers with major life producing companies. Yes, there is a few out there that make a living on there own or in a group like yours, but very few.

The main problem with FE telesales is Persistency over Field sales. That's where an agent has a big advantage.

You also can knock out a lot of policies you run into sold over the phone because most where not sold right and that the policies are usually well under par. (Premiums too high or they bought something they didn't understand).

That's my personal take, you can spin it any way you like.
You don't know what you're taking about. Tell me your real experience in final expense telesales that makes you all knowing.

See, I know what I'm talking about because I was successful in the field and now doing the same on the phone.

The reason I bring up JD is because over the past few months you trail and talk just like him.

It kind of reminds of that cartoon with the big bull dog and the little dog following him around? Lol

This thread is getting way of track as usual. Alls I see is the same old hear-say on what others have said but haven't done. If anyone has tried it, it's been dabbling. We all know dabbling never has been successful.

Let me know too what I've lied about here. See, I could sit here and use your response but so far, your communication in this thread has wasted most of my time. It's nothing but childish banter. Which is typical when you seem to jump onto my threads. It's so weird.

Again after a FOURTH reply, u didnt say how the 2 points I made were wrong, u didnt even address them. All u do/say every time is avoid it or say Im wrong cause u have more exp. then me, which I dont dispute.

I never implied or said Im all knowing, I just said those 2 things are true about telesales....u provided NO FACTS or PROOF they're not. U just bring up ya man crush & laugh it off...never any facts!

Your more exp DOESNT equal whateva u say is right & whateva I say is wrong....but thats how you & the rest of you idiots think! Its like u, MGA, Obi are all the same person with the same responses when someone calls ya bluff "show me your 1099s" "I have more exp then u, so u dont know what you're talking bout" "Our Co is the best/biggest"

I hope anyone who wants to do tele sales, looks up Greg...at least hes honest, answers questions DIRECTLY, and provides good feedback & tools any agent can use on here!

Dont bother replying....since u have more exp then me, u are always right!
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Loose Lips sinks ships...

Ive heard it several times, but I have no idea what that saying even means, lol!
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We are trying to determine the facts about FE telesales and not from a recruiter. So far, that is the fact. We have nobody yet to come in here and say how FE telesales is doing for them.

The main FE telesales agents that make a half way decent living are hourly workers with major life producing companies. Yes, there is a few out there that make a living on there own or in a group like yours, but very few.

The main problem with FE telesales is Persistency over Field sales. That's where an agent has a big advantage.

You also can knock out a lot of policies you run into sold over the phone because most where not sold right and that the policies are usually well under par. (Premiums too high or they bought something they didn't understand).

That's my personal take, you can spin it any way you like.

Yeah, but show me ya 1099's? Is your FE Co. the #1 producer in America? How hot is YOUR wife? What kinda car do u drive? You know, ALL the things that really matter!! And if u have less exp then him, your post cant be correct!
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A lot of the negative comments made about tele-sales remind me of the comments P&C carriers were telling agents when I got in the P&C business 12 yrs ago...5 years later Geico and Progressive to the place as the 1st and 2nd fastest growing auto insurers. I watched The Carrier I represent spend millions trying to catch the market share lost by these tele-sales auto insurers. Today, Geico and Progressive still lead in growth, while SF, Nationwide, and Allstate (who bought Esurance) invested in direct tele-sales depts....I never sold life tele-sales, but I would be mindful of the future of consumerism....in other words, STOP HATING!
A lot of the negative comments made about tele-sales remind me of the comments P&C carriers were telling agents when I got in the P&C business 12 yrs ago...5 years later Geico and Progressive to the place as the 1st and 2nd fastest growing auto insurers. I watched The Carrier I represent spend millions trying to catch the market share lost by these tele-sales auto insurers. Today, Geico and Progressive still lead in growth, while SF, Nationwide, and Allstate (who bought Esurance) invested in direct tele-sales depts....I never sold life tele-sales, but I would be mindful of the future of consumerism....in other words, STOP HATING!

I also remember when select quote started in the Bay Area. I was with large mutual, where term insurance was looked down on. We were told selling term is a waste of time and no one wanted it anyway. We sold real insurance. People buying insurance off of radio ads and over the phone?:D Never last. And besides we had dividends and this hot new wealth accumulation product that got a 12% return _tax Free_! Called Universal life. Cancel your IRAs and put the money in a UL. Smart money.

This was about 1986. Oh, and that Art Williams and his band of part time plumbers? No threat at all.

Seniors don't use computers or email. Most do not have cell phones, They sure as heck do not text. Oh wait, how old am I?
A lot of the negative comments made about tele-sales remind me of the comments P&C carriers were telling agents when I got in the P&C business 12 yrs ago...5 years later Geico and Progressive to the place as the 1st and 2nd fastest growing auto insurers. I watched The Carrier I represent spend millions trying to catch the market share lost by these tele-sales auto insurers. Today, Geico and Progressive still lead in growth, while SF, Nationwide, and Allstate (who bought Esurance) invested in direct tele-sales depts....I never sold life tele-sales, but I would be mindful of the future of consumerism....in other words, STOP HATING!

No hate about it. Just the facts. Those P&C carriers were not working the FE market.

I've run the numbers. I've seen the numbers and I've seen the washout.

Basically to write $100,000 in FE ap by telemarketing you would have to spend about $40,000 for leads. At a 70% placement rate, [which is high for telesales], you would make $42,000 per year before chargebacks and lapses.

If that's successful then have at it.
I also remember when select quote started in the Bay Area. I was with large mutual, where term insurance was looked down on. We were told selling term is a waste of time and no one wanted it anyway. We sold real insurance. People buying insurance off of radio ads and over the phone?:D Never last. And besides we had dividends and this hot new wealth accumulation product that got a 12% return _tax Free_! Called Universal life. Cancel your IRAs and put the money in a UL. Smart money.

This was about 1986. Oh, and that Art Williams and his band of part time plumbers? No threat at all.

Seniors don't use computers or email. Most do not have cell phones, They sure as heck do not text. Oh wait, how old am I?

But more and more seniors have cell phones and are using the computer. That's the point. It's getting to that age. Do you know that my marketers when developing leads, get a cell phone # from the customer about 90% of the time just by asking for it?

The day and age are changing.

TD...you're right. I'll stop replying to your posts. I've addressed everything so that not the reason. The main reason is...I'm exhausted. The name calling is below me and its just not worth it.

You know what they say. "Can't fix stu...."
Do you know that my marketers when developing leads, get a cell phone # from the customer about 90% of the time just by asking for it?

Now that's not true at all. Out of the 20 TM leads I got from you, I listened to every recording and not one gave a cell phone when asked and most said they had no cell phone at all.
Do you know that my marketers when developing leads, get a cell phone # from the customer about 90% of the time just by asking for it?

Now that's not true at all. Out of the 20 TM leads I got from you, I listened to every recording and not one gave a cell phone when asked and most said they had no cell phone at all.


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