Lincoln Heritage

I can show you how to benefit from this business .. I banked 86,000 and I worked part-time last year.. I never worked over 20hrs a week in 2015.. we have a unique system that no one else has. No one has paythroughs like we do... 86000 was on my own pen but collectively I was well over 100,000

This is how snakes drag you to their pits.
I'm brand new here, looking at getting back into the insurance biz. Specifically, I'm interested in learning more about FE and opportunities.

So, I did some searching on the net and ran across Lincoln Heritage, filled out the short inquiry form a few days ago. Today some guy from my area called and we had a chat.

I won't say it sounded sleazy or anything like that but he did talk a lot about the leads, at $35 each by the way. He wouldn't get into commission levels though.

So, this thread has been an interesting read for me. I think I'll be passing on Lincoln Heritage.

Thanks for you experts who share your knowledge.

LH is all over Florida and you will enjoy all the replacement opportunities here.

Welcome to the Forum!

I can show you how to benefit from this business .. I banked 86,000 and I worked part-time last year.. I never worked over 20hrs a week in 2015.. we have a unique system that no one else has. No one has paythroughs like we do... 86000 was on my own pen but collectively I was well over 100,000

Pay-troughs like LH? How about Settlers? Many companies pay through like LH. Whoever is force feeding you the kool-aid either doesn't know what they are talking about or are lying to you. "Unique" system? Settlers "Covered" could be considered just a unique and even better.. You don't have to die to take advantage of it.. And, that is just one company that comes to mind.. I am sure there are many others.. especially on the pay through.
LH reminds me when I used to sale real estate. The company with the gold jackets was so much about promoting their image at the expense of the agency force. They wanted you to buy everything from the gold jacket to the paper you use. The top people made money and got way more perks.

LH seems less of a carrier and more of a mill to game on un savvy and neophyte agents. The leads are low quality and expensive. The neophyte hears the pitch from the sales manager, has seen the commercials and believes that the leads must be quality after all they been around along time. When you start asking questions about commission and get the answers its so convoluted that it in its self is a red flag. Don't get it twisted some agents and managers are making a lot of money off the lower, newer agents and keeping the quality leads, what few come in.

All this would be bad enough in my opinion, but really the worst is the price of the products and the limits or lack of the products. LH is way over priced compared to just about any carrier you compare them to in this area. If your plan is to invest in LH leads and work for them, you would be better of at your local racetrack. Tip: Key the 6 with the 5,2; $100.00 tri, and the 6, 5, 2,1; $5 box supr.; in the 4th at Laurel Park. Don't bet on LH.
Guru, you seem to be quite informed. My name is Rod and I have been with the same CO. for 11 years, captive. Obama killed my company. Do you know of an insurance company that provides good leads or leads at a reasonable cost? I would be fine with giving you a finders fee.Your advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.
Guru, you seem to be quite informed. My name is Rod and I have been with the same CO. for 11 years, captive. Obama killed my company. Do you know of an insurance company that provides good leads or leads at a reasonable cost? I would be fine with giving you a finders fee.Your advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.

Who is this Guru you speak of? Plus no finders fee that is not fair to you. Go to for leads. It would be foolish to pay a finders fee. I find this company to be top rate. They have stellar reviews from a forum member HideyHo.
Guru, you seem to be quite informed. My name is Rod and I have been with the same CO. for 11 years, captive. Obama killed my company. Do you know of an insurance company that provides good leads or leads at a reasonable cost? I would be fine with giving you a finders fee.Your advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.

Thad above is a great resource for teleleads. If you need DM and contracts feel free to check out my program.

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