Lincoln Heritage

i was with one llife and they offered free leads and that was horrrible so i am just trying to find my place in the world
To find your place in the world, ask more questions. Sometimes you don't know what you don't know. And what you don't know about this business is a lot!

We're all glad you're high on the company you picked. But don't come on here pitching them like they're the greatest company to ever hit the insurance business. They're not.

I'm not saying they're bad. A lot of agents have been successful with them. But a lot more agents have not had a good experience there. A couple of us on the forum found out the hard way, many years ago when there was pretty much nobody around to ask.

I was there when they were just starting to expand out of the southwest. That was a little over 20 years ago. They've put some things in place since then that help agents to be more successful. Unfortunately though, they haven't gotten rid of some of their bad qualities. You've only been there for a couple months. We'll be anxious to see how you feel about them a year from now.
ok and yes we do plan the funerals we have the funeral consumers guardian society and they are funeral directors that call the funeral homes on the cliants behalf and we do all the funeral planning threw the planning pages that i sit and do when i deliver the policies. the family never ccalls the funeral home we do they just go sign and show up. we sell on average about 7 to 10 thousand per policy and our average cost is 50$. we do alot why else would LH BE THE LARGEST FE OUT THERE

What I'm saying is that Lincoln Heritage does not plan the funeral. Sure you may sit with each of your clients (which I highly doubt you do) and help them document their final wishes. However, that isn't Lincoln Heritage planning it.

They way LH markets (agents too), they make it sound as if you sign up for their insurance, and they (LH) takes it from there. The client doesn't need to do anything else. That is not how it goes.

Again, LH merely provides a mechanism for a client to document how they would like their funeral carried out. This isn't a bad thing. In fact, it's good to do. However, you don't need to buy LH to document your final wishes. Furthermore, documenting your final wishes via Dignity Planning, your own papers at home, or any of the other free funeral planning services is no different that what LH does. It's a value proposition that is spun in such a way that make the client seem as if it's unique to LH when in fact it's not.

There is no service or value that LH provides to justify their exorbitant prices. This is especially true for the clients that have to take LH modified when they could get level elsewhere.

Oh and one final thing. LH is number in in FE volume for one reason. It's because they're the best at marketing FE. It's not because they have a superior product offering to customers or agents. But I give them credit. They do know how to market.

One day someone will come along and be responsible for their decline. They won't remain number one forever, but I think it will take at least 5-10 years before that happens.
@the_newguy90 if the only reason you're selling for Lincoln Heritage is their CGS program... you should know many Indy carriers have the same type of program. The difference is you could have a comp level of 120% or higher, lower cost direct mail leads, & the ability to offer several carriers to fit each client's needs.

Transamerica, National Guardian Life, Equitable, & Mutual of Omaha use Legacy Safeguard.
Legacy Safeguard

Sentinel Security Life has their own version...

There's others I'm missing as well.