Lincoln Heritage

@the_newguy90 if the only reason you're selling for Lincoln Heritage is their CGS program... you should know many Indy carriers have the same type of program. The difference is you could have a comp level of 120% or higher, lower cost direct mail leads, & the ability to offer several carriers to fit each client's needs.

Transamerica, National Guardian Life, Equitable, & Mutual of Omaha use Legacy Safeguard.
Legacy Safeguard

Sentinel Security Life has their own version...

There's others I'm missing as well.
I guess I didn't get the memo on Sentinel Security's version of Legacy. I couldn't find anything about it on the website. Do you have a link that tells about it?
@the_newguy90 if the only reason you're selling for Lincoln Heritage is their CGS program... you should know many Indy carriers have the same type of program. The difference is you could have a comp level of 120% or higher, lower cost direct mail leads, & the ability to offer several carriers to fit each client's needs.

Transamerica, National Guardian Life, Equitable, & Mutual of Omaha use Legacy Safeguard.
Legacy Safeguard

Sentinel Security Life has their own version...

There's others I'm missing as well.
He could come work for you and get higher comp. But you could never be as motivating as his sales manager.
my rate for 10,000 first day coverage is lets say age 65 male smoker 93$even and if it is the modified it same person would be 128.80 in that case if they could not afford i would try a quote for 7 which is 91.06 and then 5 would be 65.90 and we offer 10% rop yr 1 and 20% yr 2

LifeShield = $61

AmAm = $76 and

SNL = $81 for G/M

Keep the great attitude tho kid . . .
If you have only been selling 2 months - how do you already have residuals coming in?

and im gonna go ahead and say this. i am stilll in my 2 months ever selling anything i have helped 40 families if you use utube and look up, funeral consumers guardian society and just watch the 3 min video that is a quick breif of what we do it is all legit and all the family that is in charge has to do is sign the papers we calll on their behalf and get the funerals alot cheaper than the funeral homes general pricing listed prices and we use the fe insurance pay for it. we offer day 1 one coverage. i had a cliant who was 85 and 4 days from being 86 i got him day one coverage and he was paying 95 a month

i have my residual pay up to 300 a month i wait on the 1st of the month now just like my clients. and once im with the company for 2 yrs even if i leave i take my residual with me and if i die my wife gets them. is this a normal practice in the insurance field. they call it paythrew and its my monthly commition for every month the client makes their payment
Which, unless I'm doing my math wrong, we can work this backward. Based off just 1 month's production he has a $300 pay through. That would be $3600 over 12 months. If that is 25% of the total he wrote last month, then something isn't adding up.

I'm coming up to $14,000 in AP. Maybe it's because of the low contract or LH holding a bunch back.
Which, unless I'm doing my math wrong, we can work this backward. Based off just 1 month's production he has a $300 pay through. That would be $3600 over 12 months. If that is 25% of the total he wrote last month, then something isn't adding up.

I'm coming up to $14,000 in AP. Maybe it's because of the low contract or LH holding a bunch back.
Which, unless I'm doing my math wrong, we can work this backward. Based off just 1 month's production he has a $300 pay through. That would be $3600 over 12 months. If that is 25% of the total he wrote last month, then something isn't adding up.

I'm coming up to $14,000 in AP. Maybe it's because of the low contract or LH holding a bunch back.
He said, " ive sole 19,000 in ap". Maybe he sole 19,000$ in AP, but that doesn't mean that everything he sole was issued. :err::huh:
Which, unless I'm doing my math wrong, we can work this backward. Based off just 1 month's production he has a $300 pay through. That would be $3600 over 12 months. If that is 25% of the total he wrote last month, then something isn't adding up.

I'm coming up to $14,000 in AP. Maybe it's because of the low contract or LH holding a bunch back.
You are coming up with $14K commission. 19000AP would equal about $14000 in commission with them wouldn't it?