Mark Rosenthal....A Forum Friend....

OK. Here we go.

The next 10 FE agents that will donate $100 to help Mark out we (FexContracting) will match it.

Can be full time, part time or no time FE agents. Let's get this forum on it's feet and help Mark out.

Way to go. FEX is the best. Mark needs the help or wouldn't ask for it.
Another forum regular just privately emailed me with his donation commitment. We match that and it gets us up to $1,000 to help Mark. 5-more to go.

There are many of you reading this that $100 wouldn't take food off your table and it's a big help to a man with a family who could really use the help.

Five slots left that your $100 will turn into $200.
I think Scott and I assume Travis are stand up guys for doing this. Not to mention for a FE competitor IMO.


I'll buy them...done deal, but I'll personally deliver my check ;)

I was actually playing golf yesterday at Eagles Landing which is pretty close to him.

Good on you Scott!

Another stand up guy. In my personal opinion.
Just got a generous Dooner for the last four seats. That's $2,000 we've all raised together.

Now I'd like to challenge all our regular agencies and IMOs to take the batton and keep this going. Many of you have probably already donated but if one of you will keep this going and we'll make a chain until we get Mark fixed. Lots of generous people here with businesses that benefit from the forum community.

I call out a challenge to Todd, Brad, Ritter, Chris at Lead Connection, the guys at EFES, Adam (FexQuotes), Robert (CompuLife), Dave (Agent Mentor), Rick (Medicare Agent Training), and any of the other regulars. Let's keep a match going and increase the donating power of every agent who wants to help.
Let me see if I can answer some question.

I didnt buy C.I. or D.I. insurance because at age 20 I had Marfans and could not buy it.

Rick you came and saw me in my old office in Morrow GA. That was about 4 or 5 years ago right? I was on top of my game. Everything in life was going great. We had to move our office back to my home town of Griffin because my health was getting worse. I cant believe how fast my body went down hill. I dont think I even had MS at that time. Just marfans.

The 60K that I'm trying to raise wont cover a lot of things. The HSCT is High doses of Chemo and stem cell replacement. I wont be able to work for 6 months or longer. I will need 6 months to 1 year income that I'm not counting in the money I'm trying to raise. I think in the video I just made it covers a lot of the questions on here.

At this point HSCT is my last option because I"m progressive. HSCT will kill my immune system and then restart it with Stem Cells. But I have a limited window in getting this treatment. My EDSS store is 5.5 right now and I'm right on the line of not being able to get this treatment. In the next 2 months they will give me a 2016 date. I will have to give them their money within 30 days of that date or get moved back to the 2018 to 2019 list. Which because I'm getting worse, they wont take me by then. Each I get worse.

I hate to ask anyone for anything. I'm use to being the one to help people. I hate even putting my business out there and asking for help.

Image just finding a way to have another chance at life. But you had a short window to do this. I have to put my life on hold. But if this going right, by the time I'm 40, I will be able to do a lot of the things I once did.

I have had to give up lots of things. Notice Im not on here much at all? I dont even get to go stalk the walking dead people for the last 2 seasons. I can only walk for about 15 mins at a time. I can not get hot either. I cant over do myself. I'm very lucky to have a good mind still. But I do have my foggy days.

All of these things seems impossible. Lots of money. Short amount of time. Chemo is going to suck. Being by myself for a very long time until my immune system gets better. If you watch some of the videos on my page, it will explain more about HSCT. I was very lucky to get on a 2016 list.

Mark's HSCT Multiple Sclerosis Cure - Home has my story and a lot of the info on it.