Mark's Waiting Room Prospecting Idea

Mark, you do realize that a corpse is not much good for conversation, right?

Being around people is nice but a bunch of stiffs is not my idea of a fun time.
About the doctor's offices - you may be better advised to leave the Life Insurance info in the Dentist's office, or the Allergist's (they're BUSY!) rather than, say, the Oncologist's. Just sayin'.

What could you leave at a Proctologists office? :D

Is anyone using this sucessfully?

thanks for the ideas Mark. :biggrin:
Just to chime in the door hanger idea. When i started selling insurance knocked on doors and if they were not home leaving a bag or door hanger with your information wasn't a bad idea. I much rather talk to someone there in person and get an appointment then call on the phone. I mean you always have the people who army crawl when you come to the door and stuff like that but the more prospecting you do the more leads you get and we know that means more money.
True! But my experience is that pizza shops (mom & pop/take outs), Chinese food, dry cleaners, oil change places, etc. etc. do allow it. I've done it a gazillion times before while marketing other products. The same people that go to doctors, dentists, attorneys...go to these types of places too!

What was your response rate?
Great idea... I like the concept of dropping off a "Free Report", versus a broschure or ad. If it comes across as a report or a how-to chose the right policy, or it's otherwise educational, it's likely to command their attention more than an advertisement.

How about this... type up a free report.... "How to chose the best insurance policy for your needs".... in the report somewhere, put in your business card as if you are the local contact. It's as if you are not the author of the study, but merely the recommended local contact from the commissioned study.