Mark's Waiting Room Prospecting Idea

Does the Associaion and the writer of this fine brochure allow the local agent to stamp his name and number on the page?

Maybe staple your business card to it .

It is a great idea for anyone starting out or wanting to generate new growth for their business.

It is a great idea to test if the originator allows it. Guess they do allow it or it would not be presented here. :-)
They will sell it to you for .35 cent a copy. Yes, you can attach your business card to it. They have a lot of products you can buy from them also.

Also, you don't have to use that brochure either. You can make up your own brochure also.
I consider some of this just plain busy stuff. Keeps you busy and you're thinking you're productive but the returns if any are very low. Been there.

Years back I knew a couple of agents who were gung ho on distributing color magazines . The mags were not thick...say 6-8 pgs. They were filled with articles aimed towards seniors......Life insurance, annuities, Long term care. They had inserts for seniors to mail back for more info. After 6 months or so....that activity stopped.

they left them in retirement centers, ALF's, medical centers...wherever.
You may be right doc , but sometimes people need activity like this to get going or keep them going.

If you are selective where you leave such material , your chance of payoff is greater.

Although I have not tried this one I would say leaving it w/ clients, or referrals, or niches, or with decision makers, or leaders, or offering it through newspaper, or classifieds, or whatever marketing you do for yourself , then it may be even more benefcial.
About the doctor's offices - you may be better advised to leave the Life Insurance info in the Dentist's office, or the Allergist's (they're BUSY!) rather than, say, the Oncologist's. Just sayin'.
I want to share a new idea that I feel could work for a couple of you. The idea is to use a brochure like <-- this one and drop them off at every waiting room that you can think of. Every place someone has to wait and is bored needs to have one of these near by in the waiting room.

How many times are you at the dentist office, doctor office, hospital, getting your car fixed or any waiting room, bored to death? Most people like myself, start looking for something to read to fill in time. There is usually not a lot of good things to read in the waiting rooms. I bet a lot of you can think of a way, to drop off the brochures in the waiting room.

If you had something on the front page, like "What Do You Need to Know about Life Insurance" and had it in a good location in the waiting room, then they might pick it up and start reading it.

In this example the brochure tells them why they need to have life insurance, how much they need to buy, how to find an agent and what kind of insurance you need to have.

You can buy the example brochure from This link.

What if you took this idea and either went door to door handing out these client brochures or buying little plastic bags for 2 cent each and leaving them on people's drive ways. I had the Mary K lady just leave her client brochure on my drive way over the weekend. Maybe even use the cheap plastic bags and leave them on people's doors.

I really like the client brochure and think if you do the numbers it can work for you.
About the doctor's offices - you may be better advised to leave the Life Insurance info in the Dentist's office, or the Allergist's (they're BUSY!) rather than, say, the Oncologist's. Just sayin'.

So Joe; what about the funeral home, is that too late................LOL
About the doctor's offices - you may be better advised to leave the Life Insurance info in the Dentist's office, or the Allergist's (they're BUSY!) rather than, say, the Oncologist's. Just sayin'.

It might be a little tacky but I have found that people that have just experienced a sudden loss or in the case of cancer might be expecting a loss of a loved one think about there own mortality. But I'm not sure I could stomach leaving life insurance info there with my card to make a sale I might instead leave something about Mark Living will kit instead either way it will be a very emotional time for these people.