Medicare “Bros” - Brindle, Brock, Etc

Why do agents follow these clowns? J Brock, C Brindle, C Askins, G Gurbikian, etc. They remind me of the old late night MLM infomercial lizards except our industry is supposed to be professionals giving professional advice to clients.

They're only getting louder and so it must be working. There must be people buying their sales “systems” and tickets to weak events. But why??

I’m genuinely interested in whether I’m the only one who thinks it’s strange that they have so many “fan bois”.

I know they’re getting louder partly because they sold out to integrity or Amerilife and need to achieve their earn outs.

Why do agents follow these clowns? J Brock, C Brindle, C Askins, G Gurbikian, etc. They remind me of the old late night MLM infomercial lizards except our industry is supposed to be professionals giving professional advice to clients.

They're only getting louder and so it must be working. There must be people buying their sales “systems” and tickets to weak events. But why??

I’m genuinely interested in whether I’m the only one who thinks it’s strange that they have so many “fan bois”.

I know they’re getting louder partly because they sold out to integrity or Amerilife and need to achieve their earn outs.

It’s because people looking for the golden nugget . As they got bigger follows they became louder and thus they attract more . It’s a huge base to recuit and to sell stuff . What i find Hilarious is Brindle is so jeoulous of Brock its sad. Brock does Emergency pod cast and Brindle follows 2 hrs later . Brock does crm and Brindle follows . Brock does a yearly Summit and Brindle follows . Brock started a SSA platform a few months ago and Brindle follows . That said there are some sharp people in the group . You ever need something answered and it’s answered fast. I think over 1/2 of Brocks revenue is none selling now .
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It’s because people looking for the golden nugget . As they got bigger follows they became louder and thus they attract more . It’s a huge base to recuit and to sell stuff . What i find Hilarious is Brindle is so jeoulous of Brock its sad. Brock does Emergency pod cast and Brindle follows 2 hrs later . Brock does crm and Brindle follows . Brock does a yearly Summit and Brindle follows . Brock started a SSA platform a few months ago and Brindle follows . That said there are some sharp people in the group . You ever need something answered and it’s answered fast. I think over 1/2 of Brocks revenue is none selling now .

Sadly, the FB groups used to be so much better. Non stop pitching products and disagreement is not encouraged. Someone has a marketplace group that’s still pretty helpful.

Why do agents follow these clowns? J Brock, C Brindle, C Askins, G Gurbikian, etc. They remind me of the old late night MLM infomercial lizards except our industry is supposed to be professionals giving professional advice to clients.

They're only getting louder and so it must be working. There must be people buying their sales “systems” and tickets to weak events. But why??

I’m genuinely interested in whether I’m the only one who thinks it’s strange that they have so many “fan bois”.

I know they’re getting louder partly because they sold out to integrity or Amerilife and need to achieve their earn outs.

It's a classic info sales system.

Add some value. Put a spin. Sell it. Push it. When delivering, upsell.

I heard that the last Medicare Con was basically a one day pitch for a high ticket mentorship program.

I was not there so this is not coming from me. But I asked someone who went and this is what they told me.

It is interesting how much money flows to a few people in the name of training. I've seen some agents at almost every event and I wonder, are you just avoiding work? How can you miss that much time at the office and justify it?

Having said all that: 'Merica! Its a free country. But I recommend keeping the wallet close and (shock) put your head down and answer your phone and call people back...
I heard that the last Medicare Con was basically a one day pitch for a high ticket mentorship program.
I think it was a multi day event but the first day or something like that was focused on the "program." I'd imagine the other day(s) may have had some good content. Just to clarify.
I think it was a multi day event but the first day or something like that was focused on the "program." I'd imagine the other day(s) may have had some good content. Just to clarify.
I’ve heard the word grifter used to describe these so called gurus.
Why do agents follow these clowns? J Brock, C Brindle, C Askins, G Gurbikian, etc. They remind me of the old late night MLM infomercial lizards except our industry is supposed to be professionals giving professional advice to clients.

They're only getting louder and so it must be working. There must be people buying their sales “systems” and tickets to weak events. But why??

I’m genuinely interested in whether I’m the only one who thinks it’s strange that they have so many “fan bois”.

I know they’re getting louder partly because they sold out to integrity or Amerilife and need to achieve their earn outs.

I've been to two MedicareCon's and also on Brindles facebook. Not as much anymore, but they used to give out tons of helpful knowledge that I took advantage of as a new agent. My FMO is ok, but it was nice to see examples of how to cross sell, sales process, etc. A lot of FMO's give "training" which is just info about a carriers products...that leaves a lot to be desired.
It’s because people looking for the golden nugget . As they got bigger follows they became louder and thus they attract more . It’s a huge base to recuit and to sell stuff . What i find Hilarious is Brindle is so jeoulous of Brock its sad. Brock does Emergency pod cast and Brindle follows 2 hrs later . Brock does crm and Brindle follows . Brock does a yearly Summit and Brindle follows . Brock started a SSA platform a few months ago and Brindle follows . That said there are some sharp people in the group . You ever need something answered and it’s answered fast. I think over 1/2 of Brocks revenue is none selling now .

Well... if you go back in history, you can see that Brock used to copy Westfall, literally. CW would put out some new stuff, and a few days later Brock would regurgitate it as if it was his own. It appears to have worked well for Brock, and now I guess Brindle is doing it.

The similarity between Brock, Brindle, and Askins is the nepotism. All 3 of them had fathers who had been in the business for decades. All 3 act like they just built it from the ground up, but that certainly isnt the case. I know there are some critics of CW on the forum, but you have to recognize he didnt have it handed to him, and neither did most of us.

If you didnt know any better you'd think Brock got into the biz in 2014, and crushed it for 10 years and sold out for 70M.... but in reality... his Dad's agency already had 14k clients in 2019, and that is when JB got more involved, they acquired another agency of about 5k clients, and then sold out recently. Did you see the Youtube interview with JB? No mention of his dad at all, or how big the agency was when JB got involved. JB was asking sales questions in 2020 in his own fb group that would make you think he had just started.

At the end of the day, people like to be led, they like to be hyped up, they like to feel like they are a part of a community..... all 3 of those dudes provide that to them, and they aren't really hurting anyone in doing so... so I suppose it doesnt really matter.

The medicare conferences they all put on, are just smoke and mirrors recruiting.
I've been to two MedicareCon's and also on Brindles facebook. Not as much anymore, but they used to give out tons of helpful knowledge that I took advantage of as a new agent. My FMO is ok, but it was nice to see examples of how to cross sell, sales process, etc. A lot of FMO's give "training" which is just info about a carriers products...that leaves a lot to be desired.

Yes, it used to be more helpful. The arrogance and self promotion is getting a bit ridiculous now. Brindle has always been that way but Brock seems intent on the same strategy.

Well... if you go back in history, you can see that Brock used to copy Westfall, literally. CW would put out some new stuff, and a few days later Brock would regurgitate it as if it was his own. It appears to have worked well for Brock, and now I guess Brindle is doing it.

The similarity between Brock, Brindle, and Askins is the nepotism. All 3 of them had fathers who had been in the business for decades. All 3 act like they just built it from the ground up, but that certainly isnt the case. I know there are some critics of CW on the forum, but you have to recognize he didnt have it handed to him, and neither did most of us.

If you didnt know any better you'd think Brock got into the biz in 2014, and crushed it for 10 years and sold out for 70M.... but in reality... his Dad's agency already had 14k clients in 2019, and that is when JB got more involved, they acquired another agency of about 5k clients, and then sold out recently. Did you see the Youtube interview with JB? No mention of his dad at all, or how big the agency was when JB got involved. JB was asking sales questions in 2020 in his own fb group that would make you think he had just started.

At the end of the day, people like to be led, they like to be hyped up, they like to feel like they are a part of a community..... all 3 of those dudes provide that to them, and they aren't really hurting anyone in doing so... so I suppose it doesnt really matter.

The medicare conferences they all put on, are just smoke and mirrors recruiting.
Yes. I know his agency isn’t as strong as he portrays. I started from scratch. Solid agency but not enormous. I don’t want to be enormous.

In general, no one with a super successful insurance sales “system” is going to sell it to others. You’d max it out for yourself because there’s far more money in protecting and using it in your own insurance business. But inexperienced agents fall for it. :(
